4K OLED resolution options on 15 Advanced 2020 | Razer Insider

4K OLED resolution options on 15 Advanced 2020

  • 10 September 2020
  • 1 reply

Does anyone know what the resolution options are for the 15 Advanced 2020 with 4K OLED?

i.e. can you change between 2160p, 1440p, 1080p etc.?

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1 Reply

A 4k monitor native resolution is going to be 3840x2160. That cannot be changed. Now, you can go into the settings and send a different size to the screen, but you cannot change the pixel count. For 4k monitors, a good rule of thumb is to set it to 2160 or 1080. The 1080 works good because it would be 4 pixels on the screen. If you use a different resolution the the screen will need to be scaled and it will not match up. For gaming it is not ideal. For production work, it is a mess and leads to blurry pictures. If I were got the 15" Advanced, I would see no reason to set it to anything but 4k.