HELP! 20 fps on minecraft on blade 15 | Razer Insider

HELP! 20 fps on minecraft on blade 15

  • 5 January 2020
  • 1 reply

So basically I've been having this problem since I got back from a 10-day break of not playing any Minecraft. before that, I would always get 300 fps but now I only get like 20 fps when I play. I've been researching this for many hours and It's starting to get sort of hopeless. Does anyone have a fix? please don't suggest simple things like uninstalling the game because I've tried all of that already.

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1 Reply

Userlevel 7
Hey there! Thanks for posting your Razer Blade's concern here. Are you experiencing this while the laptop is on "Battery Saving Mode"? Also, does the issue happen on Minecraft only?