I cant find my Asmedia 3.1 USB Battery charging support setting in my Asus BIOS/UEFI | Razer Insider

I cant find my Asmedia 3.1 USB Battery charging support setting in my Asus BIOS/UEFI

  • 17 February 2019
  • 3 replies

So recently my keyboard lighting turned on when my PC was shut down. So i googled the problem and found solutions but when i headed int omy bios i could not find the setting where i can disable the USB Battery charging spot.
pls hälp!111!

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3 Replies

Userlevel 7
You can find this setting usually in the device manager as well. Find your USB hub, usually named Asmedia USB controller or something similar in the USB controllers section.
I didnt foudn a USB Hub or something similiar either.
Edit: And why does the Picture link not work? https://imgur.com/a/KqDXe7i
Userlevel 7
I assume you talk about usb charning port that can send power via turned off pc 😛 Write what motherbord you use or cheack the manual guide on manufacture website.