I feel like Razer is becoming more non inclusive to left handers | Razer Insider

I feel like Razer is becoming more non inclusive to left handers

  • 10 June 2021
  • 1 reply

As a small handed lefy I've been using the Orochi for years. I've taken it apart. Fixed it, because I love this mouse! I've been eagerly waiting for the new one to come out, but guess what? They nixed the thumb buttons for left handers, so the mouse is not useful for me!

This is happening with a lot of razer mice. This "Faux Ambidexterity" is NOT ambidexterity! I'm asking razer to be more inclusive to left handers, buy at least not downgrading their mice by removing buttons for left handers.

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1 Reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +1
I feel your pain - I'm a leftie too, but I can use mouse with my right hand.
The only true ambidextrous mouse (at the moment) are Viper (and 8kHz version), Viper Ultimate, Abussus Essential.