Hi everyone, as a DeathAdder v2 x Hyperspeed owner, I was having this question too, I have fortunately found a permanent fix to this issue where you can't find the firmware update for DeathAdder v2 X hyperspeed. The link below is a way that permanently fixes this issue for those who are looking for a firmware update: https://mysupport.razer.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/6076?_ga=2.6395824.367949390.1725703696-1178554653.1725703695&_gl=1*qssjx0*_ga*MTE3ODU1NDY1My4xNzI1NzAzNjk1*_ga_3TRK53PM75*MTcyNTcxMzExNy40LjEuMTcyNTcxMzc2MS4yMy4wLjA.
(Consider Liking This Post If It Helps)