Razer Silver account broken? | Razer Insider
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Hey guys it seems that I cannot claim any of my achievments neither on razer insider nor on the mobile cortex app, any help?

P.S I'm new to this, so if this isn't the right place to post this, please let me know and I'll delete this immediately.
Hast du den denn selben Account? Du musst dich hier mit den selben Account anmelden, wie auch in Synapse oder Cortex. Ansonsten geh auf deinen Account --> Synapse --> auf deinen Namen klicken. Wähle dort die 2 Faktor Autorisierung, bestätige dies. Meld dich überall ab und wieder neu an. Dann sollte der Account Konflikt behoben sein.


Do you have the same account? You have to login with the same account as in Synapse or Cortex. Otherwise go to your account --> Synapse --> click on your name. Choose there the 2 factor authorization, confirm this. Log out and log in again everywhere. Then the account conflict should be resolved.
Hm. Vielleicht sollten wir da mal ein paar gut informierte anfragen. Vielleicht weiss da wer bescheid oder kann es weiter geben. @Joikansai @Razer.Caziel @dekades


Hm. Maybe we should call in some well-informed people. Maybe someone knows about it or can pass it on. @Joikansai @Razer.Caziel @Decades
@M-S-G Thanks for the mention.

@T4bletopG4mes Please Do you mind putting up a short clip about this? I'd like to see what's going on so I can get a better understanding of your situation. You can upload the clip on the tubes and send me the link via PM.

*Locking this thread to push things to PMs.
I do have the same account, so I don't think that is the problem, because when I press the button to receive the reward, the page refreshes and I don't get any silver, neither does it show that the reward has been claimed.