BIOS Updater won't recognize Blade | Razer Insider
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I own a Razer Blade Late 2016 GTX 1060 FHD model.

I've had a lot of issues with it in the past including the stock SSD fully dying spontaneously and the battery getting bloated. I had to swap out the SSD manually for another one, and for the battery, I got Razer to take care of it.

Through the many times I reset the laptop to factory settings, but without the recovery partition, I believe something has gone wrong and now the BIOS Updater and the Razer Firmware Updater just give the message saying "This tool is for use only with Blade and compatible system. The application will now close." I downloaded the tool from the official support site for this specific Blade model. BIOS says it is a Blade model 5.04.

Anything I could to do fix this? (sadly sending it in for repairs is not an option for me at the moment and Razer does not provide a recovery stick for this model anymore)