BlackWidow X VS4 | Razer Insider
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Ihave theblackwidow Xkeyboard Vs4 which asyoucansee   has aspace bar problem! it is 1yearold and  gently used.I  have read countless concerns from individuals on your forumsandothers inregards to this very issue and follwed the prescribed  fixes  your company recommends to fix the spacebar  notworking asit should? Like the others  whohavepaid close to $200.00 for the keyboard i have  come away with no fix for the issue? Others have sentin their keyboards for RMA only to have theproblem  return shortly after receiving themback? This truly isun acceptable  handling  of   valid Complaints ofthesame  issue.SurleyRazor isbetter than this?


There isobviously a real problem thatisnot thepurchasers  fault but  Razors Fault whois making its customers jump through hoops  while ruining their gaming experience!!!  There isno legit fix that razor hasput out and customers areexpected to live  withit or what, gobuy anotheroneofyour keyboards?  Is your next keyboard goingtohavethe sameissues  afterdroping serious  coin on ittoo? How isone toknow?  Iam not sure afterseeinghowothershavebeentreated  over this Issue alone.  Icantimagine getting away with thisinmybusiness.


Sorry for the difficulty in readingthis  as iget afew complaints from my colleques atwork but explain itisa Razor $200  keyboard  they  sell totheircustomers but are unable to fix the problem correctly!playing games is literally impossibleas you might haveguessed!



You still have warranty. RMA it, you’ll probably get a new unit.

Ihave theblackwidow Xkeyboard Vs4 which asyoucansee   has aspace bar problem! it is 1yearold and  gently used.I  have read countless concerns from individuals on your forumsandothers inregards to this very issue and follwed the prescribed  fixes  your company recommends to fix the spacebar  notworking asit should? Like the others  whohavepaid close to $200.00 for the keyboard i have  come away with no fix for the issue? Others have sentin their keyboards for RMA only to have theproblem  return shortly after receiving themback? This truly isun acceptable  handling  of   valid Complaints ofthesame  issue.SurleyRazor isbetter than this?


There isobviously a real problem thatisnot thepurchasers  fault but  Razors Fault whois making its customers jump through hoops  while ruining their gaming experience!!!  There isno legit fix that razor hasput out and customers areexpected to live  withit or what, gobuy anotheroneofyour keyboards?  Is your next keyboard goingtohavethe sameissues  afterdroping serious  coin on ittoo? How isone toknow?  Iam not sure afterseeinghowothershavebeentreated  over this Issue alone.  Icantimagine getting away with thisinmybusiness.


Sorry for the difficulty in readingthis  as iget afew complaints from my colleques atwork but explain itisa Razor $200  keyboard  they  sell totheircustomers but are unable to fix the problem correctly!playing games is literally impossibleas you might haveguessed!



Hey IVORYBallBluetech683,

I understand that your keyboard's spacebar is not working. To assist you properly, please send me a PM with the following information:

1. Your device's serial number
2. A list of troubleshooting steps you've tried so far
3. Proof of purchase, so I can check for warranty options


I would also appreciate it if you could share a short recording demonstrating the issue for our team's visibility. You can save the shareable files via any online drive account listed here.

Thank you!


*Thread locked to encourage conversation to PM.