Deathstalker V2 firmware | Razer Insider
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Why there is no firwmares for Deathstalker V2, but only for Pro and TKL ?

Is Pro firmware compatible with default Deathstalker V2 ?



It's been 2 months.


As expected, there will be no fix. Despite the fact that this model appeared in the description of the latest updates, it is more likely that this description was simply forgotten to be deleted.

The keyboard keeps turning off. It seems that there are no companies left on the market that value their reputation at least how much.

There are two issues in my opinion.

First - bad cable , which does not fit snugly into the connector type-c. If you pick up the keyboard and tilt it left and right, it sometimes turns off. Turned off even when I just hit the table with my hand. So i bought separate usb type-c cable, and such disconnections were gone, BUT….


Second - critical error in razer synapse 3. When i created 4-5 profiles with different lights, bind them to F5-F8, and switch back and forth between them, the keyboard keeps disconnected like in your video. I beleive it somehow associated with macros. Because if these profiles are just clear, than i can switch between them without any troubles.


3 things haunt me:

  1. Why are only we have this problem?
  2. Why there are firmwares for V2 Pro and V2 TKL, but no for V2 ?
  3. The support refuses to consider my tickets, so only you can make them pay attention to the problem


In a description before last patch, there was a mention about Deathstalker V2. So probably the problem was noticed, but not fixed.


I'm afraid that nobody else cares of that problem and it will just be pushed aside

I sent it back to my retailer lab and they said they have tested for a long duration could not recreate the problem which i called BS on, to my Suprise the keyboard worked fine for 2 days straight! 

but as of today 26.5.23, started my pc and the keyboard wouldn’t turn on at first and then start a cycle of random intervals of connections and disconnections, each lasting only a 10 - 30 seconds.

after i got it back from the retailer “lab fix” i didn’t have the gut to turn on razer synapse so i left it at the default stat with max keycaps lighting, yesterday while it still worked i open synapse just to turn off the keycaps lighting all the way down and the keyboard still worked, but after pc shutdown and boot this morning back with the problems, grasping at straws here, i usually can pin point problems with troubleshooting relative fast but i cannot say if it’s a software or hardware issue for this silly keyboard.


video of the issue - Razer Deathstalker V2 reconnecting & disconnecting - YouTube


Going to send it back to the retailer until they either find and fix the issue or refund me, i should note that I opened a ticket at Razer and they tried to help but I’m not sure they can because I live outside the US. 


feel free to pile on the compliments maybe razer will notice us.

will keep updating!


The problem still exists. I could provide any logs, and answer any questions, but seems nobody cares, even a tech support

ANY Updates RAZER??

my keyboard has lost ANY stable connections and i don’t recall updating synapse yesterday :S


“ I'm using Deathstalker V2 ( ) and, unlike to Pro or TKL, there is no firmware updates. “


yes, Razer we have been waiting for any firmware update for a freaking 200$ keyboard ,i have this keyboard for less than a month and it has random disconnections all over the place!


  • uninstalled latest razer synapse.
  • ran DriverCleanup_21062021 for all or your drivers.
  • reinstalled latest razer synapse RazerSynapseInstaller_V1.12.0.385
  • uninstalled it and installed an older version RazerSynapseInstaller_V1.11.0.379
  • changed several USB c cables.
  • plugged to a laptop and still unstable. 
  • was running fine until 7.5.23.

tried 1 profile tried 4 at once, tried playing with lighting setting but no difference in the end. 
running AMD 5950x gigabyte X570 AORUS ELITE wIFI

Hello again


There was an update for synapse today, but it automatically installed after PC boot, so i didn’t see change log for 20230424 version. Can anyone copypast here what was changed? As i understand it’s impossible to see changelog anywhere after update was installed.



I’m so tired of that unPnPs, and seems no fixes will be/ Logs in AppData\Local\Razer\Synapse3\Log\Razer Synapse 3.log

===================TaskSchedulerOnUnobservedTaskException Exception Log Start =======================
2023-04-23 01:28:55.6612 INFO 2 System.AggregateException: While waiting for a task or accessing its exception property, no task exceptions were seen. As a result, undetected exceptions were rethrown by the termination thread. ---> Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Client.HttpClientException: StatusCode: 500, ReasonPhrase: 'Internal Server Error', Version: 1.1, Content: System.Net.Http.StreamContent, Headers:
  Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2023 22:27:45 GMT
  Server: Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0
  Content-Length: 0
   в Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Client.Http.DefaultHttpClient.<>c__DisplayClass2.<Get>b__1(HttpResponseMessage responseMessage)
   в Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.TaskAsyncHelper.<>c__DisplayClass19`2.<Then>b__17(Task`1 t)
   в Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.TaskAsyncHelper.TaskRunners`2.<>c__DisplayClass42.<RunTask>b__41(Task`1 t)
   --- Trace end ---
---> (Internal Exception #0) Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Client.HttpClientException: StatusCode: 500, ReasonPhrase: 'Internal Server Error', Version: 1.1, Content: System.Net.Http.StreamContent, Headers:
  Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2023 22:27:45 GMT
  Server: Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0
  Content-Length: 0
   в Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Client.Http.DefaultHttpClient.<>c__DisplayClass2.<Get>b__1(HttpResponseMessage responseMessage)
   в Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.TaskAsyncHelper.<>c__DisplayClass19`2.<Then>b__17(Task`1 t)
   в Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.TaskAsyncHelper.TaskRunners`2.<>c__DisplayClass42.<RunTask>b__41(Task`1 t)<---

2023-04-23 01:28:55.6612 INFO 2 
2023-04-23 01:28:55.6612 INFO 2 
=================== Exception Log End =======================
2023-04-23 01:29:16.9784 INFO 26 SystemEventsClient Connection_Closed: Disconnected, retrying to reconnect...
2023-04-23 01:29:17.4886 INFO 26 Initializing SystemEventsClient connection
2023-04-23 01:29:17.4886 INFO 26 Initializing SystemEventsClient connection completed


How can it be that a keyboard for 180$ works like trash and no one cares?

Hello again

After 2 days there was an update for razer synapse where was the mention of DeathStalker V2. Unfortunately nothing was changed - the keyboard keeps disconnecting and reconnecting when switching profiles. I even bought a new usb type-c cable to exclude the original one from the causes.

The problem still exists and only one way to get it work is to save profiles in keyboard memory



@FiszPL Thanks for looping me in.

@hitOldHeliotropetoday500 Please PM me your case number so I can coordinate with the relevant team for an update and check our options. Thanks!


If it’s still not working correctly, then you might submit a new case on Razer Support:

Already did, but they said that they dont want to help me and redirected here

For example, i also bought Basilisk V3 and 29 march there was a firmware update:

  • Fixed the issue that when assigned more than 45 macros, will have chance stuck, have no function during synapse running

I have a feeling that the same problem is with Deathstalker V2, but no similar problems on forum\google search suggests a problem in the keyboard itself

How they did not help? They’re support OMG.

@Razer.Speedcr0ss / @Razer.Zionzedd - could you check what’s happening with the case?

If it’s still not working correctly, then you might submit a new case on Razer Support:

Already did, but they said that they dont want to help me and redirected here

For example, i also bought Basilisk V3 and 29 march there was a firmware update:

  • Fixed the issue that when assigned more than 45 macros, will have chance stuck, have no function during synapse running

I have a feeling that the same problem is with Deathstalker V2, but no similar problems on forum\google search suggests a problem in the keyboard itself

If it’s working without Synapse, then it’s problem with the software (not KB firmware).

You can always do a clean reinstall (with KB driver removal):

  • Uninstall Synapse
  • Download & run this tool: to remove any razer drivers/leftovers
  • Then restart your PC
  • After reboot install Synapse again (as administrator).

If it’s still not working correctly, then you might submit a new case on Razer Support:

Yes, i’ve described a problem here( ) but nobody is answering

Firmwares from different versions are not compatible.

Is there any problem with the keyboard?
