deathstalker v2 pro battery | Razer Insider
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i have deathstalker v2 pro keyboard(new) and viper v2 pro mouse (used for 1 year day to day), working together on on their own hyperspeed modules with rgb off. they have ~8hrs office work and ~3hrs gaming  /day, and  the pc is offline by night. firmware updated.

while mouse specified on “up to Up to 90 hours at 1000 Hz”, and holding on stable 6 days, i predict it as  15hrs/day.

my new keyboard dies after 7-8 days, while specified on product specification page as 13days (let it be - working 15hrs/day with no rgb). also, i can say - mouse works more than keyboard.


mouse: rgb off, 125hz desktop, 1000hz game, sleep after 10min,  firmware v.

keyboard: rgb off, sleep after 15min. hyperspeed mode, firmware charged/drained 2 times. game mode off snaptap off.

synapse 4.0.86. (i don’t talk here about mouse profile changing ingame and other software bugs)

the questions are:

should i return the keyboard, or the info on your site is not true? i’d accept at least of least - 10 days, but 8 days are just 60% of specified, obvious for me - too low.

if i return the keyboard by guarantee, if it will be changed or repaired?

if it will be changed - what chance to get same bad battery again?

the connection of both parts by 1 hyperspeed module will drain batteries more or less, if it will de/in/crease the quality of gaming?

is normal such easy key triggering?

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