Problems with Blackshark V2x mic. | Razer Insider
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First of all I apologize for any grammar mistakes, English is not my native language.

I just recieved today my Blackshark v2x and altought I loved the sound quality the microphone has been a pain in the ass for me. The audio just sounds awful, very different from the reviews I watched on youtube. Together with a couple of friends in Discord, I`ve tried to do a bunch of stuff to improve it`s quality, and even though some stuff helped a bit, its still pretty bad for a brand new headset. I`m gonna list the stuff I remember doing down below:

-Reinstalled the audio drivers on my pc

-Cleaned the jacks both on my computer and on the headset wire

-Changed boost and audio levels (togheter with most the stuff you can find on the audio menu in windows)

-Tweaked some setting is the Realtek Audio console

-Tried a different cable (the one from my old headset) connecting the headset with both jacks (the pink and the green one)

-Tried both the back and the front entrances to the jacks (the green and pink hole)

Some of my friends told me that my motherboard could be responsible for the mic quality, but I did not have any problems in the past with similar headsets, and yes i've updated my motherboard drivers on the manufacturer website (fyi, its the Gigabyte H370M).

The mic works much better when I use it on my cellphone.

Please help