Raiju Ultimate Not Powering | Razer Insider
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Hi All,

I have a Raiju Ultimate controller. Bought new in March 2021.

Today it seems to have given up. I use it in USB mode, but today on starting up the PS4, the controller does not power into life. If I put it into Bluetooth mode, it does not start up. I have tried connecting it to my Laptop in USB mode. Windows does not make a sound to state something is connected or disconnected. Also in BT mode, the charge light does not turn on. Cable fault or dead controller.

My question is, has anyone had this type of issue? Is it possibly the Cable that is faulty but why won't it work in BT mode. Where can I find a cable that fits the Razer USB socket to check?

Lastly, the fact I paid 3x more for this controller over a standard PS4 controller to have it last 18 months is concerning.


Hi All,

I have a Raiju Ultimate controller. Bought new in March 2021.

Today it seems to have given up. I use it in USB mode, but today on starting up the PS4, the controller does not power into life. If I put it into Bluetooth mode, it does not start up. I have tried connecting it to my Laptop in USB mode. Windows does not make a sound to state something is connected or disconnected. Also in BT mode, the charge light does not turn on. Cable fault or dead controller.

My question is, has anyone had this type of issue? Is it possibly the Cable that is faulty but why won't it work in BT mode. Where can I find a cable that fits the Razer USB socket to check?

Lastly, the fact I paid 3x more for this controller over a standard PS4 controller to have it last 18 months is concerning.



Yes, this is highly likely a hardware problem. PM me the serial number so I can validate its model and share a copy of your receipt so I can check its warranty before starting a case for a replacement request.

*Thread locked to curb conversation to PM.