Razer Death Adder Esswential Mouse Wheel Broken | Razer Insider
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I got my death adder quite a bit ago, about 2 years ago, and I’ve never had an issue. One day when I got on my computer there was an issue where my scroll wheel no longer clicked into position and started scrolling rapidly. When this issue started my scroll wheel also completely broken and now does not scroll. I’ve attached a video in this link of the issue I’m having: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/992457282975694878/1304471192891035749/IMG_5700.MOV?ex=672f82f8&is=672e3178&hm=a154fc8eb3c849774f8c3998f6393da72ff6c422ac3320d6f1730fe64bd1d25f&

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