Razer Phone 2 cheap speaker grills | Razer Insider
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I just bought the Razer phone 2 about 2 weeks ago and was very excited on getting my hands on one. So far I like everything about it. I haven't had any software issues but it already has 3 cracks on the front speaker grills. I'm not sure if it's worth getting it fixed because they gave me a quote of $150+. There should be no reason why they decided to make a grill out of plastic for everyday use. I haven't found any threads about the same situation I'm in but if there is please let me know and what your thoughts are on this.
i have a mid size dent in mine from i dunno what, no cracks yet
I just bought the Razer phone 2 about 2 weeks ago and was very excited on getting my hands on one. So far I like everything about it. I haven't had any software issues but it already has 3 cracks on the front speaker grills. I'm not sure if it's worth getting it fixed because they gave me a quote of $150+. There should be no reason why they decided to make a grill out of plastic for everyday use. I haven't found any threads about the same situation I'm in but if there is please let me know and what your thoughts are on this.

Can you send me your case number via PM? I'd like to take a look at the condition of the grills and why you've been quoted for repair fees if the phone is still well within warranty.