Razer Support - what do you do? | Razer Insider
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Hello all together,

I would like to apologize directly in advance for my maybe not perfect english and for my not best way of writing.

I have to tell something to the community and that is:

I created a ticket on 27/11/2021 in the afternoon at Razer.

Initially everything worked great, support responded quickly, found good solutions to my problems and it was just good.

Unfortunately, no solution has spoken to me from Razer and I wanted a refund.

They made that possible, but I had to destroy my Razer Hyperflux. I also had to divorce the serial numbers and everything and send a photo of it to Razer.

No sooner said than done.

Then Razer said to me, they will check the photos and my bank details and they will get back to me in 24-48h.

A week passed and I still didn't hear back from Razer support, then I emailed them again (20.12).

After about two weeks (05.01) I still had not received any feedback from Razer, then I wrote a mail to them again.

(It should be noted, since then I no longer have a working mouse).

Then on the same day (05.01) came an answer and namely that I should wait, they have already forwarded the request to the team responsible for it and they will get in touch as soon as something has happened.

I waited another week (12.01) and again got nothing new.

Then I wrote another mail to Razer, because the ticket is already very long open and this can not take so long.

Unfortunately, I have until today (17.01) no feedback from Razer get.

It is enough for me in the meantime, I do not know what to do.

I just broke a 270€ mouse for Razer and then they just make me wait and wait and wait and just don't answer anymore.

I already say thanks for reading, hopefully something will happen now...


Have you had such a bad experience with Razer?

I will never buy such a product again.