Old news but... Why hasn't the sign in 'feature' been removed yet? | Razer Insider
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My daughter got herself a second hand Razer Ornata keyboard. As a fan of another popular brand for my own keyboard/mouse, my first impressions were that it was an excellent keyboard and I'd consider my next purchase being a Razer. However, this was immediately shot down when I found out the software had a compulsory sign in requirement and this could not be bypassed to access even basic features like the lighting effect that was last programmed into the keyboard.

I can't see any reason why a sign up to your services should be compulsory, especially in the day and age of data privacy and large scale hacks happening, and changing the program to simply bypass the log in/cloud features should be relatively trivial. Even if the newer version of the software does eventually does support older devices and allows 'guest' logins, my experience so far is enough to put me off Razer devcies.

The only use I have for signing up was to change the scrolling light effect for my daughter to something more useful, and to complain about the terrible sign in option here. The first should never have been a problem in the first place, and in the second case the only thing I would have needed to sign up to say anything about would have been to praise an otherwise good piece of gear. I'm not expecting anything will change, but simply adding my voice to the chorus of complaints about it.
I'm new here, but I've been around the Internet and gaming on the internet since people were playing RPGs by newsgroup postings.

I think the ultimate solution would be that when we purchase a piece of gear, download and install the software on our computers, that should be enough to operate all the physical functions of that device without having to sign up for any sort of online account.

I don't have a problem with signing up for an account myself, but others may for whatever reason and they should be able to use the basic functions of the device they purchased and the software they installed without having to give any of their personal information to any other party, the company that manufactured the product and programmed the software included.

This shouldn't be so much about a technical problem as it should be about how you put out goods and services in this new age.

Just because everything CAN be connected and shared and made better by the community doesn't mean that an individual MUST join that community to get basic functions from a product that has been bought and paid for.

You don't have to support old devices forever, but don't make it so that the only way you will support them is if people are willing to let you have their personal information.

I may be new here, but I have been a fan and user of Razer products since it's inception. I owned one of the Belkin Nostromos of great fame (Please give that some attention). I know the way things work, but I agree that a user has a right to privacy.

I just used most of my paycheck to purchase a new Razer Naga Trinity Mouse, a Tartarus Pro and a few other things and came here to join in the forums, but if your company can't make a product that someone can use without requiring them to sign up for your other services as well, then the company is no longer one that I can support. I will pack up my new gear and return them to the store.

This is your call to action as a company. Clearly state your intentions either way:

Simply drop support for these devices completely and lose those customers, or release the users from an obligation to join your club just to use your products.

And since this sort of post is sometimes mysteriously deleted from company forums, I've been doing a screen capture of me typing this message and posting it so that if there are any "mishaps" with the post, it can still be seen in other venues... like those of your competitors.
Since you were kind enough to respond (I didn't expect any response!), I have visited the other thread you posted and suggested a guest mode for Synapse 2. As Lusabit probably noticed, the side issues are here that it was a second hand keyboard (no warranty - C and D keys worn but still working great) and Synapse 3 doesn't support the original Ornata (non-Chroma) so Guest login is not an option there.

The wider point though is that what could have been a great (and free!) introduction to a different brand of products in Razer (I currently favour a certain 'L' brand), the time wasted and sour experience left me feeling very negative about the Razer brand. Your comment regarding warranty is a fair one if that's required for longer warranty than the standard 1 year here, but in honesty I don't usually bother. I plug in the mouse/keyboard, install the software if it's a fresh install, tweak and play. Signing up is an unnecessary step for me, and as mentioned, more of a privacy concern these days.

Anyway, thanks for replying 🙂
Did you realy read and understood his message ?

Hi Lusabit,


Maybe he can drop by in that thread I shared to give any suggestions and feedback in the comments for them to maybe include that Guest Account in Synapse 2.0 as well.

Or he can give feedback about the Guest Account functions that he experienced so far is enough to put him off about the newer version of the software.

But he still have to register account anyways to register his products for warranty.
Hi badcustomerservice,

More details can refer to /guest-account-quick-access-to-razer-software.49002/

Did you realy read and understood his message ?
My daughter got herself a second hand Razer Ornata keyboard. As a fan of another popular brand for my own keyboard/mouse, my first impressions were that it was an excellent keyboard and I'd consider my next purchase being a Razer. However, this was immediately shot down when I found out the software had a compulsory sign in requirement and this could not be bypassed to access even basic features like the lighting effect that was last programmed into the keyboard.

I can't see any reason why a sign up to your services should be compulsory, especially in the day and age of data privacy and large scale hacks happening, and changing the program to simply bypass the log in/cloud features should be relatively trivial. Even if the newer version of the software does eventually does support older devices and allows 'guest' logins, my experience so far is enough to put me off Razer devcies.

The only use I have for signing up was to change the scrolling light effect for my daughter to something more useful, and to complain about the terrible sign in option here. The first should never have been a problem in the first place, and in the second case the only thing I would have needed to sign up to say anything about would have been to praise an otherwise good piece of gear. I'm not expecting anything will change, but simply adding my voice to the chorus of complaints about it.

Hi badcustomerservice,

More details can refer to /guest-account-quick-access-to-razer-software.49002/