I just purchased the huntsman elite keyboard for my mac, I was going to use it mainly for my job as a developer, and I had no clue when I made the decision to buy huntsman elite that mac is not supported.
My question, After the latest thread about the mac support (a year ago), will synapse 3 be available for mac users in the near future? if not, I have no choice but to return the keyboard.
Note: I know that mac is not a gaming machine, but there is a wide variety of people that tends to buy gaming accessories now for their home office setups (chairs, keyboards, mouses ...) so it would be nice to support mac users for the next-gen devices that you are producing ...
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imagine my surprise on booting up my new macbook pro, connecting my razer mouse and keyboard and seeing that synapse 3 is not supported on Mac. This is so disappointing. In 2021, a large hardware manufacturer not supporting a very popular operating system. No more razer crap for me, Steelseries and Corsair have me covered.
I am sorry for the late response, however as far as I am aware, there are currently no plans to support Synapse 3 on Mac.
add it cause people want it and its annoying to be on mac and buy a nice mouse just for the software to be exclusive
I just got off a chat with a Razer support guy who told me they are working on Synapse 3 for Mac OS. Not sure he was correct, but that's what he typed. Is it true that Codeweavers Crossover won't work?
The best thing to do is to switch your hand with RAZER products, there is no support for the Apple platform anymore !
I'm disappointed in RAZER not supporting the macOS platform I had my keyboard since 2016.
really disappointed for not supporting macOS after 10.15
That's disappointing so much...
why razer also don't write it that there is no macos compatibly for razer drivers and stuff?
just angry
why razer also don't write it that there is no macos compatibly for razer drivers and stuff?
just angry
I have the ornata chroma V1 connected to my new MacBook Pro and have Synapse 2.0 and after I updated the software it won't detect the keyboard at all it's saying please connect a synapse enabled device; When will synapse 3 be available for macOS 11.6 BigSur?
I have bad news for you, they've abandoned it.
I have the ornata chroma V1 connected to my new MacBook Pro and have Synapse 2.0 and after I updated the software it won't detect the keyboard at all it's saying please connect a synapse enabled device; When will synapse 3 be available for macOS 11.6 BigSur?
Okay ... you've installed MacOS BigSur 11.5.2 c. 15 September, 2021, you probably know you should have waited but those automatic updates just roll right over, you really need that RGB keyboard in your low light room and you've discovered the official "No Plan To Support" one liner dreamed up from Razer Synapse ... and now you realise you have to start a new education on kext files, reducing security on your computer
and ... and ... and you're feeling a little you just got jilted by your Razer sharp boyfriend:

Then along comes the Ambulance to with FruityUI for FruityRazer, and you find on restart your Razer RGB accessories come back to life at github with this latest version on 7 Aug 2021.
Then a Second Ambulance macOS Razer comes to the rescue to make sure resuscitation has taken place with this latest version on 17 August 2021.
And you find all your gear comes back to life, but you still feel like it is just doesn't feel like your original Razer sharp boyfriend... when it times out every so often.
But yes, these github solutions work, and if you weren't crying about it ... you'd laugh a bit too, cause MacOS is a little hard for anyone to ignore these days ... isn't it???
Well, not according to our Razer sharp boyfriend, it isn't.
Or will he have a change of heart ?
All theatrics aside, and is hopefully appreciated, RGB peripherals sold in markets as formerly Mac Compatible to be retracted is actually protected by consumer laws for more than the original warranty periods in practically all markets. That means 7 years in my territory.
Sorry-not-sorry ... that's what Mac Compatible means: don't break other people's stuff.
And with COVID drama ... you'd think now MORE THAN EVER: Don't break other people's stuff.
These are perfectly good peripherals which have absolutely NO BUSINESS breaking due to faux security insertions of macOS BigSur.
And whilst, yes, Apple is hugely responsible for breaking other's equipment ... leaving it up to codies pooring sweat into it is poor form; unlike the quality of its equipment.
Razer using/ wink-winking at the backdoor of github is not very good form and again, way beneath the class of Razer's peripherals.
and ... and ... and you're feeling a little you just got jilted by your Razer sharp boyfriend:

Then along comes the Ambulance to with FruityUI for FruityRazer, and you find on restart your Razer RGB accessories come back to life at github with this latest version on 7 Aug 2021.

Then a Second Ambulance macOS Razer comes to the rescue to make sure resuscitation has taken place with this latest version on 17 August 2021.
And you find all your gear comes back to life, but you still feel like it is just doesn't feel like your original Razer sharp boyfriend... when it times out every so often.
But yes, these github solutions work, and if you weren't crying about it ... you'd laugh a bit too, cause MacOS is a little hard for anyone to ignore these days ... isn't it???
Well, not according to our Razer sharp boyfriend, it isn't.

All theatrics aside, and is hopefully appreciated, RGB peripherals sold in markets as formerly Mac Compatible to be retracted is actually protected by consumer laws for more than the original warranty periods in practically all markets. That means 7 years in my territory.
Sorry-not-sorry ... that's what Mac Compatible means: don't break other people's stuff.
And with COVID drama ... you'd think now MORE THAN EVER: Don't break other people's stuff.
These are perfectly good peripherals which have absolutely NO BUSINESS breaking due to faux security insertions of macOS BigSur.
And whilst, yes, Apple is hugely responsible for breaking other's equipment ... leaving it up to codies pooring sweat into it is poor form; unlike the quality of its equipment.
Razer using/ wink-winking at the backdoor of github is not very good form and again, way beneath the class of Razer's peripherals.
This is so dumb why would you close off a whole other possible consumer base especially now with the new m1 Macs being so good and gaining popularity, got a viper ultimate and can't use the rgb on the dock or side buttons on the mouse, guess ill be going for the logi gpx super light.
Hi folks!
One alternative to Synapse is Steermouse if your device is compatible.
Like everyone here, I wasn’t able to use my brand new Naga trinity wired mice with MacOS. Everything went fine on W10 using bootcamp.
As of Big Sur 11.2.3, for getting to use your Razer device with a Synapse 2.0 compatibility, please apply the following steps :
- Boot on recovery mode (Cmd R), click Utilities menu, then execute :
/usr/sbin/spctl kext-consent add R2H967U7J8
where R2H967U7J8 is the Razer TEAMID.
You can check it has been successfully added by executing the following command :
/usr/sbin/spctl kext-consent list
Execute reboot or close the terminal app and restart in normal mode.
Then, open your terminal and execute :
sudo kmutil load -z -p /Library/Extensions/RazerHid.kext
Allow any requirements needed.
Restart your system, open Razer Synapse. You may need to disconnect/reconnect your USB device everytime you boot for getting synapse to actually detect your device.
All solutions found on this thread :
PS : please Razer, update your software. Selling a product that can't be fully used is not legal in a large number of country.
Thanks! I was thinking about using it, but decided to go with a other more Mac focused company.
Please add Mac support for Synapse, I use the Tartarus Pro gaming pad for productivity work. Its amazing to use, it speeds up my workflow a lot in 3D software's like Maya and Blender. I use a PC at work, but I have a Mac laptop and I would love to use a Tartarus with that also. Its 2021, you should support mac and linux by now.
I wonder if Razer is aware of game theory in business with respect to a finite versus an infinite game. Will they still exist as a business in the future? We shall have to wait and see.
I sold my BlackWidow and NAGA and put the money towards the Corsair K70 and NightSword. Corsair is one of Razer's competitors and the K70 and NightSword are equal/similar devices that have a similar price point. They have developed iCUE software to work with Macs. After doing some research and learning more about the differences in devices and support between Razer and Corsair, I wish I had purchased Corsair devices in the first place.
I sold my BlackWidow and NAGA and put the money towards the Corsair K70 and NightSword. Corsair is one of Razer's competitors and the K70 and NightSword are equal/similar devices that have a similar price point. They have developed iCUE software to work with Macs. After doing some research and learning more about the differences in devices and support between Razer and Corsair, I wish I had purchased Corsair devices in the first place.
Has anyone looked into a class action lawsuit? Seems like it would be fairly easy to prove they are falsely advertising that the products are supported on the Mac platform. I hear this is illegal in some countries. I am chapped like everyone else but if we don't force the issue they will just ignore us forever.
No support for Mac and iOS... Dissapointing.. Please don't leave out those apple fan gamers.
Just picked up a Blackwidow only to find out no Mac Support? Wtf?
First time buying Razer products but it looks like it is going to be the last
First time buying Razer products but it looks like it is going to be the last
Just picked up a Mamba Elite mouse for use with my Mac running 10.14. Imagine my surprise when I found out what you all already know. No Mac support? Really, Razer? What is this, 1998? It never occurred to me that a major device manufacturer would not support one of the main operating systems. This is hugely disappointing. I'm afraid that my sharp pen will be out. This needs to be fixed, and stat. Shame on Razer for such near-sighted management.
Here's another frustrated Naga & Mac user. I postponed my transition to Big Sur due to the lack of support by Razer, hoping for a late Synapse driver update. But now that it is 11.4 (4 versions later!), can't afford not to be up with the latest security updates. Please, please at least produce a mouse driver compatible with Big Sur!! Looking at Logitech now, and a few others. RAZER - please don't leave all us Mac users out in the wilderness...
Hi folks!
One alternative to Synapse is Steermouse if your device is compatible.
Like everyone here, I wasn’t able to use my brand new Naga trinity wired mice with MacOS. Everything went fine on W10 using bootcamp.
As of Big Sur 11.2.3, for getting to use your Razer device with a Synapse 2.0 compatibility, please apply the following steps :
/usr/sbin/spctl kext-consent add R2H967U7J8
where R2H967U7J8 is the Razer TEAMID.
You can check it has been successfully added by executing the following command :
/usr/sbin/spctl kext-consent list
Execute reboot or close the terminal app and restart in normal mode.
Then, open your terminal and execute :
sudo kmutil load -z -p /Library/Extensions/RazerHid.kext
Allow any requirements needed.
Restart your system, open Razer Synapse. You may need to disconnect/reconnect your USB device everytime you boot for getting synapse to actually detect your device.
All solutions found on this thread :
PS : please Razer, update your software. Selling a product that can't be fully used is not legal in a large number of country.
One alternative to Synapse is Steermouse if your device is compatible.
Like everyone here, I wasn’t able to use my brand new Naga trinity wired mice with MacOS. Everything went fine on W10 using bootcamp.
As of Big Sur 11.2.3, for getting to use your Razer device with a Synapse 2.0 compatibility, please apply the following steps :
- Boot on recovery mode (Cmd R), click Utilities menu, then execute :
/usr/sbin/spctl kext-consent add R2H967U7J8
where R2H967U7J8 is the Razer TEAMID.
You can check it has been successfully added by executing the following command :
/usr/sbin/spctl kext-consent list
Execute reboot or close the terminal app and restart in normal mode.
Then, open your terminal and execute :
sudo kmutil load -z -p /Library/Extensions/RazerHid.kext
Allow any requirements needed.
Restart your system, open Razer Synapse. You may need to disconnect/reconnect your USB device everytime you boot for getting synapse to actually detect your device.
All solutions found on this thread :
PS : please Razer, update your software. Selling a product that can't be fully used is not legal in a large number of country.
Just bought a new deathadder. Disappointed that synapse 3 is not compatible with my mac. PLEASE GIVE MORE SUPPORT TO THE MAC RAZER
Indeed. I have quite a few Razer devices and so far could live with it. But not being able to configure the Kiyo Pro? It starts to hurt now.... So c'mon! Pretty please?
Edit: At least, Razer, please give us some transparency here. Communicate! Whats the issue? Is it you? is it apple? Are you considering it? Are you working on it? Did you work on it and just can't get it running? Any information (at all) would be really appreciated!
Edit: At least, Razer, please give us some transparency here. Communicate! Whats the issue? Is it you? is it apple? Are you considering it? Are you working on it? Did you work on it and just can't get it running? Any information (at all) would be really appreciated!
Please make a Mac-version of synapse 3. I got my kitty headphones today and I really like them but when I found out that synapse 3 doesn't work on Mac I felt really disappointed. 160€ for headphones is a lot of money. So Please listen to all of us and make the synaps 3 for Mac.
I just purchased the huntsman elite keyboard for my mac, I was going to use it mainly for my job as a developer, and I had no clue when I made the decision to buy huntsman elite that mac is not supported.
My question, After the latest thread about the mac support (a year ago), will synapse 3 be available for mac users in the near future? if not, I have no choice but to return the keyboard.
Note: I know that mac is not a gaming machine, but there is a wide variety of people that tends to buy gaming accessories now for their home office setups (chairs, keyboards, mouses ...) so it would be nice to support mac users for the next-gen devices that you are producing ...
They don't care. That's been made pretty clear. Just dropped $150 on my Naga Pro only to find this out after the fact.
It was something I took for granted when I bought into this ecosystem. No current MacOSX support? Seems odd.. Oh I see steelseries does offer this. Bye!
Thanks for the tip. I've got some Razer gear I'm selling now...
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