Contractor's Pyramid | Razer Insider
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A scene from The fast and the furious 2001 film

Building your gaming rig is just like how Dominic Torretto does when building his cars. Most importantly the thing that caught my eye is the poster next to him "Contractor's Pyramid"

It is true, to build a fast + good car, its "Not Cheap". To build a fast CPU and GPU processing + stable Gaming Rig, its "Not cheap"

Dominic Torretto's goal is to build fast and good cars to win at Illegal street races and sponsored tournaments. We gamers and pc enthusiasts have something in common; our goal is to build our gaming rig to play the games we want, so that we can be ready for some of the followings~~~

  • Best entertainment streams

  • Sponsored tournaments

  • To enjoy the time of your gaming

  • Top of the chart overclocking (benchmark testing)

  • Also to show off in front of our friends

What is that ultimate or best gaming rig you have built?

How long did it take you to reach that goal? (as in saving up to finally building it)

What is your next upgrade that you are looking forward to?

What is your next goal and plans with the next upgrade?

Share your specs and your experience of your gaming rig and game on with R Λ Z Ξ R
Dominic Torretto has his NOS boost

We have our GPU boost