Just ordered a Seiren Elite Michrophone | Razer Insider

Just ordered a Seiren Elite Michrophone

  • 14 September 2021
  • 5 replies
  • 1 view

Userlevel 5
So I was looking around Ebay and found a used Elite for sale in my budget (ok not really but I couldn't pass it up)

So this makes a almost full Razer setup at this point lol

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5 Replies

Userlevel 5
Looks good. I hope it works well for you.

Thank you, it is working out well so far
Userlevel 2
Just got it, looks great. Now to set it up

Looks good. I hope it works well for you.
Userlevel 5
Just got it, looks great. Now to set it up
Userlevel 5
Care to share your updated battlestation in the Insider Forums?

I will as soon as the Microphone arrives, I did have my own topic in the BattleStation section, but it got locked for some reason. But I look forward to sharing my growing Razer collection
Userlevel 7
So I was looking around Ebay and found a used Elite for sale in my budget (ok not really but I couldn't pass it up)

So this makes a almost full Razer setup at this point lol

Care to share your updated battlestation in the Insider Forums?