Why is there no Mac software for the Kiyo Pro? | Razer Insider

Why is there no Mac software for the Kiyo Pro?

Userlevel 1

This is my first Razer product, love it. It looks great and I will test it out in video calls and such. But there is no native Mac software from Razer. Anyone know why that is? If I cant get to the setting proper I will have to return the probably coolest cam on the market

19 Replies


Trying to bring up old thread. So can anyone from Razer explain at last - why there is no proper Mac support in Synapse 3 software?

In case you need to adjust basic webcam settings (for example stop flickering) - this software did the trick for me:

Pretty sad that Razor cant get this support done...

The camera is marketed as compatible with MacOS. I specifically need to access the wide angle which, on MacOS, I cannot. Will return.

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

MacOS is not supported by Synapse 3.

You can only use your webcam as a ‘generic’ one - without drivers.

There’s 3rd party software like Razer macOS but currently it doesn’t support any webcams (maybe in future): https://github.com/1kc/razer-macos

Userlevel 1

That kinda sucks. Guess I have to return the cam then. Thanks for letting me know.

PLEASE bring MAC support for even Basic Camera Settings!!

The camera is marketed as compatible with MacOS. I specifically need to access the wide angle which, on MacOS, I cannot. Will return.

I have a Mac and the Razer 

Try this app - http://mactaris.blogspot.com/p/webcam-settings.html


Allows you to control the Razer. Image quality is excellent


Thank you Urban, i tried that app. Besides the fact that after the first launch it always crashed on launch, it didn’t let me access the 120 degrees wide angle on the camera (only digital crop of the default 90 degrees) which i could instead access via the razor software on my windows pc :/

Webcam Effects app works great with Razer Kiyo Pro and Mac. 


In case you need to adjust basic webcam settings (for example stop flickering) - this software did the trick for me:

Pretty sad that Razor cant get this support done...

Right? It can’t be that complicated to develop and considering the potential market size it seems obvious to support Macs. 

Please Razer, give us an answer and a solution!! 🙏

In case you need to adjust basic webcam settings (for example stop flickering) - this software did the trick for me:

Pretty sad that Razor cant get this support done...

Amazing! Thanks.. have sent him a Kofi tip

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

@FiszPL, do you know if support for Mac is being considered for the future?

I just received my Kiyo Pro Ultra. I’d read good things about Synapse before I ordered, but I missed that Mac is not supported.  

I don’t know unfortunately. This is question to Razer :)

I’d like to know if there will be official support for Mac’s as well.

In case you need to adjust basic webcam settings (for example stop flickering) - this software did the trick for me:

Pretty sad that Razor cant get this support done...

You’re a saviour. I was thinking to return it.


But, are we expecting some support from Razer in future or not?

I have a Razer Kiyo Pro on my Macbook Pro and I use Webcam Effects app to control the camera.  Allows me to zoom,  pan, tilt and add effects to the image that is produced. Works pretty well.

@FiszPL, do you know if support for Mac is being considered for the future?

I just received my Kiyo Pro Ultra. I’d read good things about Synapse before I ordered, but I missed that Mac is not supported.  

Thank you - extremely helpful. All i needed to do was to go to photobooth and select the Razer Kiyo in the camera list. Brilliant and works straight away.

five nights at freddy's

Hello guys, is there any other configuration needed in order to actually see image on the screen (mac)? I just plugged it in, I see a white led light on the top of the camera when I open the camera booth, but the image is completely black. wtf
