[WEEKLY SILVER] Gameplay vs Story | Razer Insider
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Gameplay and Story are both important factors but if you can only get one game, will you choose the one that has an Excellent Story but Mediocre Gameplay or the other with Excellent Gameplay but has a Mediocre Story?

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Prefer story over gameplay :)

But some games like RDR2 etc. have both.

Story is a must…..


Story over gameplay I guess, cause often time I always end up coming back to Skyrim cause of just how rich the world is, like all the tiny details, the lore and such. I mean there are alot of other RPGs with greater gameplay but I believe story is king. Substance over Style FTW

Prefer Gameplay over Story, Gameplay was what keep the Games Endurance over times, Story was what let the Games be Remembered over times.

Gameplay over story for me since I don’t exactly prefer very long games. 

if the gameplay is good, i can easily overlook the story. if its not,  even a superb story will struggle to keep me engaged. obviously a good balance is the ideal situation, though

I can work with excellent story but mediocre gameplay if the following factors are taken care of.


1. Immersive Narrative

2. Emotional Engagement

3. Rich Worldbuilding

4. Intellectual Stimulation

5. Cinematic Experience

would go for story

i would suggest the story because it makes the game more intense 




Gameplay and Story are both important factors but if you can only get one game, will you choose the one that has an Excellent Story but Mediocre Gameplay or the other with Excellent Gameplay but has a Mediocre Story?

Like and comment with your thoughts for this week’s topic and get a chance to win 5000 Razer Silver! I think I will choose a great story and average gameplay because games without a story are like playing children's games

