Hey Mlooody! I am Honestly not sure whether the problem is resolved. I get the feeling it would be though or else razer would be receiving a lot of backlash on this forum about it. When there is a product defect however, Razer tends to be on top of fixing it ASAP. So I have a good feeling that it is a resolved issue. If you still have doubts, you can always contact Razer Support And ask them about it!
Hey Mloodey! I just bought it last week and I confirm It does have drifing stick

WTF 300$ for a controller that has bad stick sensitivity...
Tried to get live with support but don't get anybody ...
have no clue how to fix that problem, no information is given by Razer, honestly I'm very disappointed about this purchase.
Hey Mloodey! I just bought it last week and I confirm It does have drifing stick :slightly_sad: WTF 300$ for a controller that has bad stick sensitivity...
Tried to get live with support but don't get anybody ...
have no clue how to fix that problem, no information is given by Razer, honestly I'm very disappointed about this purchase.
Pretty sure you bought the old 2018 batch
Afaik 2019 version (bought from amazon or razer.com) works perfect
I have no issues playing on my ps4 but yes when I connect it in wired mode on PC. The right stick is hyper sensible. In game, sometimes my character slowly moves to front without touch the stick.
So basically we are saying if you own an older version they are not supporting the joystick drift? Its unbearable! Ive just purchased one off ebay, checked most recent firmware and says its up to date. Razer need to fix this as this product does not do what its meant to!
Is not possible ... why are you selling controller which has these drift stick problems ? i bought first on august 2019 .. but it works like this ...
so i sent it back to my seller and they gave me new one...
and what ? nothing ... now it has 2 problems - first one drift move forward ... this new drift backward
i like your products and i spent a lot of money in your products but release this "betaversion" of controlller in price of 3 standard PS4 controllers which are working fine ... i cant understand ...
i am affraid that its not about SW but about sh_t HW, when some of sticks are hypersensitive ...