Insiders, welcome to the third Insider Supply Drop!
First of all I want to apologize to all my fellow Insiders for neglecting the Supply Drop. Due to COVID-19 and stay-at-home orders I'm away from my vault of goods at the office and don't have access to all the goodies to give away nor a way to ship them. However! I have managed to get this bad boy and even managed a way to get it shipped out so let's get to lucky #3!
About Insider Supply Drop
Often times here in the office I come across items that have no home, have been out of production or items that have been returned for whatever reason and are in great working condition. Every so often, I manage to procure these items and what better way to make use of these products that have no home than to give them one.
However, there are a few conditions.
- These items are given away as-is and there will be no support for them. Please bear in mind that many of these items may be "new" as in "unused" or "unopened" but may be outdated and "out-of-production." Many of the items are "returned items" and have been "used" and/or "opened." Lastly, many of these items are "used," are "loose" and "out-of-the-box" items that still function as originally intended, which also means they may suffer from "wear-and-tear" and/or "cosmetic defects."
- We will absolutely not sell these items.
- There will be times where the giveaway recipient is ineligible to receive the item due to their country of residence. This is a legal thing and it's out of my hands. These items are being shipped from here in Irvine.
- Recipients of the Supply Drop will be chosen at random.
- Check back often to see what we're giving away. I give them away as I get them.
- Winners will be notified by Insider direct message. Winners will have seven (7) days to respond to the message and after seven (7) days of the message being sent the prize will be forfeit and reintroduced into the prize pool for future giveaway.
No purchase necessary. To play, simply reply to the thread! Terms and Conditions apply unless otherwise stated above.
I've a very old mouse who need to be replace by that beautiful mouse *_* Hope that drop on me !
I guess I'll also reply. Also, anyone who wants to join my squad for the silver the link is
Really hope to win this mouse, so next month i'll buy a keyboard for my birthday and finally have a fantastic Razer setup. However, good luck to everybody!
Faboulous i hope to win it
Good luck to everyone and take care!
Hope to win
I need this mouse! My current one is trash lol
Addetti ai lavori, benvenuti al terzo lancio di rifornimenti insider!
Prima di tutto voglio scusarmi con tutti i miei colleghi Insider per aver trascurato il rifornimento. A causa di COVID-19 e degli ordini casalinghi, sono lontano dal mio deposito di merci in ufficio e non ho accesso a tutte le chicche da regalare né a un modo per spedirle. Tuttavia! Sono riuscito a ottenere questo cattivo ragazzo e sono persino riuscito a farcela spedire, quindi arriviamo al fortunato numero 3!
Informazioni su Insider Supply Drop
Spesso qui in ufficio mi imbatto in articoli che non hanno casa, che sono stati fuori produzione o che sono stati restituiti per qualsiasi motivo e sono in ottime condizioni. Ogni tanto riesco a procurarmi questi articoli e quale modo migliore per utilizzare questi prodotti che non hanno casa se non regalargliene uno.
Tuttavia, ci sono alcune condizioni.
- Questi elementi vengono dati così come sono e non saranno supportati. Tieni presente che molti di questi articoli potrebbero essere "nuovi" come in "non utilizzati" o "non aperti" ma potrebbero essere obsoleti e "fuori produzione". Molti degli articoli sono "articoli restituiti" e sono stati "usati" e / o "aperti". Infine, molti di questi articoli sono "usati", sono articoli "sciolti" e "fuori dalla scatola" che funzionano ancora come originariamente previsto, il che significa anche che possono soffrire di "usura" e / o "
- Non venderemo assolutamente questi articoli.
- Ci saranno momenti in cui il destinatario del regalo non è idoneo a ricevere l'articolo a causa del proprio paese di residenza . Questa è una cosa legale ed è fuori dal mio controllo. Questi articoli vengono spediti da qui a Irvine.
- I destinatari della consegna di rifornimenti saranno scelti a caso.
- Controlla spesso per vedere cosa stiamo regalando. Li do via come li ottengo.
- I vincitori verranno avvisati tramite messaggio diretto di Insider. I vincitori avranno sette (7) giorni per rispondere al messaggio e dopo sette (7) giorni dall'invio del messaggio il premio verrà annullato e reintrodotto nel montepremi per un futuro omaggio.
Nessun acquisto necessario. Per giocare, rispondi semplicemente al thread! Si applicano termini e condizioni se non diversamente specificato sopra.
Spero per il mio meglio
Insiders, welcome to the third Insider Supply Drop!
First of all I want to apologize to all my fellow Insiders for neglecting the Supply Drop. Due to COVID-19 and stay-at-home orders I'm away from my vault of goods at the office and don't have access to all the goodies to give away nor a way to ship them. However! I have managed to get this bad boy and even managed a way to get it shipped out so let's get to lucky #3!
About Insider Supply Drop
Often times here in the office I come across items that have no home, have been out of production or items that have been returned for whatever reason and are in great working condition. Every so often, I manage to procure these items and what better way to make use of these products that have no home than to give them one.
However, there are a few conditions.
- These items are given away as-is and there will be no support for them. Please bear in mind that many of these items may be "new" as in "unused" or "unopened" but may be outdated and "out-of-production." Many of the items are "returned items" and have been "used" and/or "opened." Lastly, many of these items are "used," are "loose" and "out-of-the-box" items that still function as originally intended, which also means they may suffer from "wear-and-tear" and/or "cosmetic defects."
- We will absolutely not sell these items.
- There will be times where the giveaway recipient is ineligible to receive the item due to their country of residence. This is a legal thing and it's out of my hands. These items are being shipped from here in Irvine.
- Recipients of the Supply Drop will be chosen at random.
- Check back often to see what we're giving away. I give them away as I get them.
- Winners will be notified by Insider direct message. Winners will have seven (7) days to respond to the message and after seven (7) days of the message being sent the prize will be forfeit and reintroduced into the prize pool for future giveaway.
No purchase necessary. To play, simply reply to the thread! Terms and Conditions apply unless otherwise stated above.
Well Then
Insiders, welcome to the third Insider Supply Drop!
First of all I want to apologize to all my fellow Insiders for neglecting the Supply Drop. Due to COVID-19 and stay-at-home orders I'm away from my vault of goods at the office and don't have access to all the goodies to give away nor a way to ship them. However! I have managed to get this bad boy and even managed a way to get it shipped out so let's get to lucky #3!
About Insider Supply Drop
Often times here in the office I come across items that have no home, have been out of production or items that have been returned for whatever reason and are in great working condition. Every so often, I manage to procure these items and what better way to make use of these products that have no home than to give them one.
However, there are a few conditions.
- These items are given away as-is and there will be no support for them. Please bear in mind that many of these items may be "new" as in "unused" or "unopened" but may be outdated and "out-of-production." Many of the items are "returned items" and have been "used" and/or "opened." Lastly, many of these items are "used," are "loose" and "out-of-the-box" items that still function as originally intended, which also means they may suffer from "wear-and-tear" and/or "cosmetic defects."
- We will absolutely not sell these items.
- There will be times where the giveaway recipient is ineligible to receive the item due to their country of residence. This is a legal thing and it's out of my hands. These items are being shipped from here in Irvine.
- Recipients of the Supply Drop will be chosen at random.
- Check back often to see what we're giving away. I give them away as I get them.
- Winners will be notified by Insider direct message. Winners will have seven (7) days to respond to the message and after seven (7) days of the message being sent the prize will be forfeit and reintroduced into the prize pool for future giveaway.
No purchase necessary. To play, simply reply to the thread! Terms and Conditions apply unless otherwise stated above.
always wanted a razer mouse lets win it.
Always wanted...? You know, they do have these things available for purchase at various retail establishments. You don't have to go through life waiting for one to fall off a truck and bounce into your hands.
I just got a Naga Trinity down at the Best Buy for only forty American dollars. 60% off, good score.
Just mask up and go out in the world, see what you can find :big_grin_:

⭐The More You Know...

look, right now I have a good mouse and i'm waiting for a new razer mouse to come out that a really like. its weird but I really only like certain mice, but i've recently been looking at a few so we'll see, might as well try to get this one though.
Lol sorry man just teasin you a bit. I get the mouse thing. I need certain one for what im doing. Got tired of having 4 different mice cluttering up my desk. So my "solution" was buy a 5th mouse that comes with 3 interchangeable panels with different button configurations. It would have solved the, problem, but i still have all the other mice in various conditions ranging from "works purty good" to "friggin duct taped cuz when its not, it shocks you"
So dont let my sarcastic jabs get you down. In reality, I got no room to talk lol
nice. exciting stuff
Let's do it.
come here to the forum to check for info about the kraken and found a giveaway. well, why not?? :cool_:
hi, goodluck to all, it will be a dream come true for me if I win.
Nice this is good mouse
Insiders, welcome to the third Insider Supply Drop!
First of all I want to apologize to all my fellow Insiders for neglecting the Supply Drop. Due to COVID-19 and stay-at-home orders I'm away from my vault of goods at the office and don't have access to all the goodies to give away nor a way to ship them. However! I have managed to get this bad boy and even managed a way to get it shipped out so let's get to lucky #3!
About Insider Supply Drop
Often times here in the office I come across items that have no home, have been out of production or items that have been returned for whatever reason and are in great working condition. Every so often, I manage to procure these items and what better way to make use of these products that have no home than to give them one.
However, there are a few conditions.
- These items are given away as-is and there will be no support for them. Please bear in mind that many of these items may be "new" as in "unused" or "unopened" but may be outdated and "out-of-production." Many of the items are "returned items" and have been "used" and/or "opened." Lastly, many of these items are "used," are "loose" and "out-of-the-box" items that still function as originally intended, which also means they may suffer from "wear-and-tear" and/or "cosmetic defects."
- We will absolutely not sell these items.
- There will be times where the giveaway recipient is ineligible to receive the item due to their country of residence. This is a legal thing and it's out of my hands. These items are being shipped from here in Irvine.
- Recipients of the Supply Drop will be chosen at random.
- Check back often to see what we're giving away. I give them away as I get them.
- Winners will be notified by Insider direct message. Winners will have seven (7) days to respond to the message and after seven (7) days of the message being sent the prize will be forfeit and reintroduced into the prize pool for future giveaway.
No purchase necessary. To play, simply reply to the thread! Terms and Conditions apply unless otherwise stated above.
I have received the power of the gods and chosen myself as the winner of this giveaway.
i am in hopefully
Insiders, welcome to the third Insider Supply Drop!
First of all I want to apologize to all my fellow Insiders for neglecting the Supply Drop. Due to COVID-19 and stay-at-home orders I'm away from my vault of goods at the office and don't have access to all the goodies to give away nor a way to ship them. However! I have managed to get this bad boy and even managed a way to get it shipped out so let's get to lucky #3!
About Insider Supply Drop
Often times here in the office I come across items that have no home, have been out of production or items that have been returned for whatever reason and are in great working condition. Every so often, I manage to procure these items and what better way to make use of these products that have no home than to give them one.
However, there are a few conditions.
- These items are given away as-is and there will be no support for them. Please bear in mind that many of these items may be "new" as in "unused" or "unopened" but may be outdated and "out-of-production." Many of the items are "returned items" and have been "used" and/or "opened." Lastly, many of these items are "used," are "loose" and "out-of-the-box" items that still function as originally intended, which also means they may suffer from "wear-and-tear" and/or "cosmetic defects."
- We will absolutely not sell these items.
- There will be times where the giveaway recipient is ineligible to receive the item due to their country of residence. This is a legal thing and it's out of my hands. These items are being shipped from here in Irvine.
- Recipients of the Supply Drop will be chosen at random.
- Check back often to see what we're giving away. I give them away as I get them.
- Winners will be notified by Insider direct message. Winners will have seven (7) days to respond to the message and after seven (7) days of the message being sent the prize will be forfeit and reintroduced into the prize pool for future giveaway.
No purchase necessary. To play, simply reply to the thread! Terms and Conditions apply unless otherwise stated above.
Thanks for the Giveaway and may The Force be with You!
So much want this