Finally! Ability to play with handicapped hands. | Razer Insider
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First of all, it is no biggie. I am 74, used to it as long as I don't try to eat soup with a spoon!... or drink hot coffee with a mug filled to the brim. Take a step back if you see me doing that...

So I started video games mainly for driving as I use to race Rallies in Europe in the late 60's [Amateur]. One thing led to another and realizing very quickly I cannot aim. Of course not! My solution is a Turret KB+M as my hands flat only the fingers are moving [sometimes!!!]

I know there are software updates and I use a Xbox One X console. Do you think the Xbox will update the KB+M? I am not very bright in the computer department!!!

Thank You and great to be here...
Nice! Welcome to gaming. I like the Dirt Rally games so that's cool to hear. I'm not sure if this would help and I don't know much about it but this might be interesting depending on your situation:

Or maybe use a regular controller for steering and then foot pedals? Not sure.

I don't have an Xbox or the Turret keyboard but it should be customizable.

I do great with the steering and pedals! Even in my car and freak out my Friends!!! My hands flat on the KB+M my fingers can do the work as I added clear nylon see through 2~3 mm thick so I can go tactile!!!

Hey... just a challenge you know. I laugh about it. It is a way of Life. Plenty of jokes... and so many are so much worse off than myself. You take care... Now to ask another question on this Forum! Thank You... Thank You...
Nice! Welcome to gaming. I like the Dirt Rally games so that's cool to hear. I'm not sure if this would help and I don't know much about it but this might be interesting depending on your situation:

Or maybe use a regular controller for steering and then foot pedals? Not sure.

I don't have an Xbox or the Turret keyboard but it should be customizable.
I remember trying it and a bunch of other FPS games (like Far Cry 4, Warface, etc) prior to the upload of the first version of the list (that would be almost 3 months ago) and unfortunately no, Payday 2 doesn't have kbm support (unless they've added it in the last 3 months)

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