How to do the Razer AFK quest? | Razer Insider
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PLS help guys and i dont understand this: I shared razer on facebook and twitter and didnt get the quest done!?!?
PLS help guys and i dont understand this: I shared razer on facebook and twitter and didnt get the quest done!?!?

same i don't know


This quest right?

I did about 3 months straight, but I guess my run was not enough

Razer AFKs are events in the real world, they used to be hosted in the physical Razerstores before the pandemic. Going to an AFK means attending the event taking a picture of you being there. Then you should contact a staff member to activate the achievement for you by providing proof that you were there.

Okay, so due to pandemic there is no way that some RAZER silver achievements can be achieved at this time for number of Insiders~~ :confused_::confused_::confused_:

Few days ago (12/01/2021) RAZER hosted CES 2021 youtube online event. Since countries are closed due to pandemic, maybe taking a photo of ourselves watching the youtube online event; can that be used as an evidence photo for achieving the "Offline Events" silver award?

Because I was watching that event, in NZ time

It kind of makes me sad thinking, certain achievements cannot be actioned because of our current living status forbid us from actioning. :confused_::confused_::frown_::frown_:

Even if the pandemic crisis is over, spending $$$$$ on flight just for a RAZER event? :confused_::frown_::confused_::frown_:

RAZER stores are not available in every countries, makes me sad thinking~~~~ :frown_::frown_::confused_::frown_::frown_::confused_::frown_::frown_:

I'm not a US citizen, not living in Washington DC; but the Joe Biden Inauguration event, I'm watching the event through Al Jazeera live news. Isn't that something?~~~

This quest right?

I did about 3 months straight, but I guess my run was not enough

Okay, so due to pandemic there is no way that some RAZER silver achievements can be achieved at this time for number of Insiders~~ :confused_::confused_::confused_:

Few days ago (12/01/2021) there was a CES 2021 youtube online event. Since countries are closed due to pandemic, maybe taking a photo of ourselves watching the youtube online event; can that be used as an evidential photo for achieving the "Offline Events" silver award?

Because I was watching that event, in NZ time

It kind of makes me sad thinking, certain achievements cannot be actioned because of our current living status forbid us from actioning. :confused_::confused_::frown_::frown_:

Even if the pandemic crisis is over, spending $$$$$ on flight just for a RAZER event? :confused_::frown_::confused_::frown_:

RAZER stores are not available in every countries, makes me sad thinking~~~~ :frown_::frown_::confused_::frown_::frown_::confused_::frown_::frown_:

I'm not a US citizen, not living in Washington DC; but for Joe Biden Inauguration event, I'm watching the event through Al Jazeera live news. Isn't that something?~~~

I mean the pandemic sucks but unfortunately that is how things are right now. There will be events in the future so all is not lost. Digital events however dont count towards this AFK achievement since the idea is that you are visiting a physical location "Away from Keyboard".

Travelling isnt the only way to attend AFK events. I attended a Razer convention in Singapore just by luck and got one of those in person achievements just by random chance. There will be events near you too, usually large gaming conventions have a Razer booth so whenever you see a gaming convention near you visit it and check out the Razer stand. Might even find a community member there so you end up with even more achievements. 😃
There will be events near you too, usually large gaming conventions have a Razer booth

Ah! so it does not have to be an event that is hosted by RAZER

Wellington, NZ Armageddon Expo

Hope to see you there @0V3R_K1LL @dekades @mltan

NZ is 99.99% covid free country, but you will have to be in an isolation for 2 - 3 weeks before entering.
same i don't know

It definitely works and many others~~~
Hpw can I get more silver per day???
I'm gonna try this one! Hope there will be no issues at all 'cause i'm reading a bunch of comments about the bug issues and stuff. Anyway, so far everything runs smoothly on my end.