In Case You Missed It - A Pretty Studio and Viper Ults | Razer Insider
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Blade 15 Studio Edition

Perfect for photographers, filmmakers, musicians, VFX artists and every kind of creative with a need for a mobile workstation, this Blade is capable of producing work to bring your brilliance to life Get to work! >

Viper Ultimate

Razer Hyperspeed Wireless! 25% faster than any other wireless technology available, you won’t even realize that you’re gaming with a wireless mouse.

indent]✅ High-speed transmission

✅ Lowest click latency

✅ Seamless frequency switching in the noisiest, data-saturated environments.[/indent]

Get moving! >

👍 Dave2D likes it

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Fortnite Chapter 2

Troll, publicity stunt hubris or outright genius? After two days of staring into a black hole, Fortnite players have a new playground to play in with a whole lot more to do.

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Thread of the Week

There are times when games stump us so bad they interfere with our real lives. Join the conversation and you may get some Silver for your thoughts.

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Quality post. 10/10

Still waiting for a dedicated Viper Ultimate discussion thread.
You guys need to promote some actual mice reviewers for the Viper Ult showcase. Dave2D is more of a general tech content creator rather than a gaming peripheral person.

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Blade 15 Studio Edition

Perfect for photographers, filmmakers, musicians, VFX artists and every kind of creative with a need for a mobile workstation, this Blade is capable of producing work to bring


That’s laptop of the decade @Dekades:big_grin_:, the sexiest thing I ever see, know😅
Quality post. 10/10

stay thirsty my friends

This reply deserves some Razer Silver. ;)

post #3

That’s laptop of the decade @Dekades:big_grin_:, the sexiest thing I ever see, know😅

Great shot !
I'd say Fortnite Black Hole was a publicity stunt genius.
I agree that there are a few improved good things in the new Chpater 2 and possibly made the game more enjoyable for a while.
That studio edition looks stunning. Though, i am still gonna keep cashing in on the Razer Blade 15" advanced only :cool_:

Thought the viper is now more in demand and hype than the Wireless Atheris :smile_:
I gotta feel what a Razer Viper 2019 model is like in my hands to see what the fuss is about since I heard the ergonomics are hugely upgraded on it, so maybe a Best Buy near me will have a display model to try out o_O

Here's to hoping!! :cool_:
Keep up with the Studio Edition laptops. A Razer Blade Studio Edition laptop might be what I get in 5-10 years from now to replace my 2019 Razer Blade 15.

If my Razer Blade 15 serves me well then I'll be glad to replace it with another Razer Blade when it gets too old.
Looks sweeeeeeeeet !