Swelling Battery on 1.5 year-old Razer Blade 15 Advanced | Razer Insider
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Swelling Battery on 1.5 year-old Razer Blade 15 Advanced

  • 14 June 2023
  • 5 replies


My RZ09-0409 - Razer Blade 15 Advanced (2021) has a swelling battery. I noticed because part of the touchpad had issues clicking on the right. 

The funny thing is that I had tried to buy extra warranty but it’s not available in Canada. Now the warranty is expired and the battery began to swell. I bought it on January 2022 … 

There are no official batteries to buy and it seems that sending it to repair would cost way too much in money and time.

I will buy a battery online and hope for the best. If anyone has any recommendations, I would appreciate it.

I’m quite disappointed in this product and brand, frankly. I spent $3,800 on this laptop and I look at the construction of a 11 year-old Lenovo T430 with envy. 


Yup I also have blade 15 advanced 2021. RTX3080


I bought it 2nd hand in 2022 for about 1000GBP. Soon as I bought it I saw battery was bloated and I just looked for online retailer that operates in same country using the battery part number to hunt it down then self replaced.


This is probably going to the case for most gaming laptops in regards to batteries.


At the same time I saw from GeForce Experience overlay it was throttling GPU at 80C all the time. Opened up and thermal paste completely dried out. Replaced with arctic thermal pads and arctic thermal paste on CPU and GPU.


Goes to show even under 2 year mark, have to be prepared to do some maintenance.


Every now and then I open the laptop to check the laptop if there is bloating. But first sign tends to chassis bending at mouse touchpad, so I click it every now and then too if there is resistance.


With razer laptops being thin profile, they just don’t deal with heat as good.


I appreciate your comment fren. I wish I could at least buy a replacement battery directly from Razer. 

For weeks support has said they will replace my battery but now they just say, “we haven’t heard back from our internal team.” 

So it has been a month…

But that is very long for a support case of simply a new battery!


You might be bettery off looking at part number of battery and try to source from internet and self install.


It would be a good time to buy thermal pads and paste and change it too.



Yup I also have blade 15 advanced 2021. RTX3080


I bought it 2nd hand in 2022 for about 1000GBP. Soon as I bought it I saw battery was bloated and I just looked for online retailer that operates in same country using the battery part number to hunt it down then self replaced.


This is probably going to the case for most gaming laptops in regards to batteries.


At the same time I saw from GeForce Experience overlay it was throttling GPU at 80C all the time. Opened up and thermal paste completely dried out. Replaced with arctic thermal pads and arctic thermal paste on CPU and GPU.


Goes to show even under 2 year mark, have to be prepared to do some maintenance.


Every now and then I open the laptop to check the laptop if there is bloating. But first sign tends to chassis bending at mouse touchpad, so I click it every now and then too if there is resistance.


With razer laptops being thin profile, they just don’t deal with heat as good.


Thanks, my issue has been fixed.
