Spilled a bit of water | Razer Insider

Spilled a bit of water

  • 30 July 2019
  • 1 reply

So, was watching youtube and accidentlly spilld a bit of water a tm keyboard (Razer Blackwidow stealth 2016).Ididnt noticed it untill i tryied to stop video by space,wich didnt work.everything was looking good(LED's were glowing and nothing looked bad) so I unpluged and plugged it and i saw that it didnt light LED's. I immidietly unplugged it and rise it up and some amout of water came out.Now I disasambled it and place it in a warm place.Is it possible that it fryied circut board?

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1 Reply

Userlevel 7
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It's possible, that it fried circuit - but try to dissasemble it and clean the board with isopropyl alcohol.