Razer DAv2 Pro multiple Bluetooth devices | Razer Insider
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So, dream coming true! After using DA for almost 10 years and DAv2 for 6 months it seems I will be switching again (:

I have one question tho and I don't seem to find the answer - does DAv2 Pro support multiple Bluetooth devices?

I have my personal desktop PC, I have my work PC(working from home stuff) and I sometimes use Samsung Dex.

Can I use DAv2 Pro with all 3 by switching on the fly, having it paired to all 3 at the same time?
The thing is that Pro Click is advertised to do this, but I was not able to find anything for DAv2 on the site or the docs.

On the other hand, one YouTuber answered to my comment under his video that the mouse can work with up-to 3 devices over BT.
I really dont know... good question for sure since the Pro Click is designed to do this on Bluetooth, so you think it would be possible!