Razer Mice Stand Chroma | Razer Insider
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Hello Razer Warriors !

i want to tell lil story, every morning i do Brainstorming to execercise my brain, and and personally im using 2 razer mice on my desk 1 is wired and 1 is wireless. and i come up with idea razer mouse stand that will sit on my desk, since im using 1 mice at the time that would be good if there is place for them to sit while im doing gaming ( which is im using wireless mice). i will try to explain the details as much as i can, if you have feedback or something to improve i am all ears.

here is the imagination i had with lil skills on designing

so the green oval represent mice, and the rest of hexagon is the mouse stand chroma, frist hexagon on top is where the mouse will sit, and the bottom for RGB chroma light. this stand is base on wirless chroma dock but for wired version. im sure lots of you have the same felling where u have 2 mice on the same desk. and you dont know where to put it.thats why the mice stand here for. wise man told me something small can change everything.