Full-Blast Razer RGB | Razer Insider
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Hi there! Now that I just purchased the Basilisk V3 (best mouse I've ever laid hands on), I've got the full Razer setup! Aside from wanting to earn some of that sweet, sweet Silver, I thought some of you might appreciate the colors I've got going on! I have a rose gold/pink fire effect going on all my peripherals, which pairs great with the pink marquee on my PC. Only thing that's missing is a Razer monitor, but... maybe in a few years lol

(please appreciate the koi fish, it's my most prized possession)
not a bad RAZER Rose / Pink setup.

You could use a RAZER headset stand for that RAZER headset

Deserve a like~~~
not a bad RAZER Rose / Pink setup.

You could use a RAZER headset stand for that RAZER headset

Deserve a like~~~

Ho-ho! I have a Razer headset stand for it! It sits on top of my PC at the moment (my desk is too small for it to fit comfortably elsewhere), it peeks out in my first photo. Thanks for the compliment 🙂
I have a Razer headset stand for it! It sits on top of my PC at the moment

RAZER Quartz Headset Stand was left out of the picture? :eek_::eek_::eek_:

Would be good to rearrange your Battlestation desk for the Headset Stand to be in the picture.