Some Razer Achievements Don't Pay Out Rewards | Razer Insider
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I have completed a lot more achievements but I can't claim the razer silver. The achievements about associating facebook and twitter don't work. Following Razer staff and CEO works but doesn't work for following Vanguards. Been over a week and still haven't got the achievement for Razer Chroma (Hoist the Colours). That's about 250 razer silver that I'm missing.
Yeap some dont work like this you write for a long time.
Some of those rewards seem to have a quite long delay.
If you're having issues with achievements, send me a message with your list and I'll do my best to see if I can activate them. I can't promise you'll get them all, but I'll do what I can.

Do not reply to this thread, message me directly.
yes i have the same issue
You can PM the Razer Staff on forum and ask them about it.
ok thanks a lot
If you're having issues with achievements, send me a message with your list and I'll do my best to see if I can activate them. I can't promise you'll get them all, but I'll do what I can.

Do not reply to this thread, message me directly.

I messaged you directly, please reply asap. Thank you.