[WEEKLY SILVER] The Perfect Combo! | Razer Insider

[WEEKLY SILVER] The Perfect Combo!

  • 31 October 2023
  • 10 replies
[WEEKLY SILVER] The Perfect Combo!
Userlevel 7


Snacking and gaming often go hand in hand, creating a delightful pairing for many gamers. Whether you're a fan of savory, sweet, or something in between, the right gaming snacks can enhance your gaming experience.

What are your go-to snacks when you settle in for a gaming session? Do you prefer chips, candy, fruit, or something else entirely? Have you discovered any unique or lesser-known options that fellow gamers might enjoy?

Share your favorite gaming snack recommendations for a chance at the weekly 5000 Razer Silver.

10 Replies

herbal tea or chai  and lots of fresh blueberries and an occasional  reeses Easter egg.

Userlevel 4

Definitely some Lay’s or Raffles’ chips!

Userlevel 7

just Water and Biscuit for me. but Fruit especially Banana was the best Pro Gamer Food as some of you might know and heard it before.

Userlevel 2

A pint of Carling and a handful of nuts, for sure 🍺🥜


Full time chips or crackers with chopsticks, to evade those sneak greasy fingers.

Chocolate bars - no mess, no icky fingers, bite-and-go.

Userlevel 7

i go for popcorn or chips

Pineapple juice or popcorn.

Definitely popcorn all the time especially during movie time or anime session. 

Userlevel 5

I go for M&M’s, the yellow bag. No crumbs in the keyboard.
