Happy New Year, Insiders!
Neverwinter's back with another awesome update, Neverwinter: Dragonbone Vale has launched and our good friends at Perfect World are giving Insiders who venture out a Lost Guardian Pack, which includes:
- 'Lost Guardian' Title
- Stone of Health
- Injury Kit
- Companion Upgrade Tokens
- Greater Healing Potions
Click here to pick up your Lost Guardian Pack.
Galvanized by an ancient prophecy, Valindra Shadowmantle and the Cult of the Dragon have established a ritual site deep in the Sword Mountains, where they plan to construct a powerful spell that will bring undeath to all the dragons of Faerun. As a Hero of Neverwinter, you will need to rally the forces of Protector's Enclave, and lead the charge against Valindra before it's too late. Survive the rise of the dracolich in Neverwinter: Dragonbone Vale, available now on PC.
Redeem here: PlayNeverwinter.com/Redeem