Finish This Sentence: Gamer life is... | Razer Insider
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Finish This Sentence: Gamer life is...

Double checking with your significant other that it's okay to play all night.
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17 Replies

Userlevel 7
Losing said significant other due to games...:frown_::big_grin_:
Kind of a win lose situation.
Userlevel 7
Da wae.
Userlevel 7
Like real life, you’ll die hundreds time but you can still Respawn:smile_: Keep move or be killed.
Userlevel 7
... borrowing work laptops as often as you can, because they are so much higher spec'd than your own.
Double checking with your significant other that it's okay to play all night.

Either making memories, or enjoying reliving them.
Userlevel 7
... borrowing work laptops as often as you can, because they are so much higher spec'd than your own.

This is too real.

Either making memories, or enjoying reliving them.

And this is real nice ☺
...very busy! 😳
Userlevel 7
Hard, How to seperate real life and virtual to not hurt anyone this is a mistry that everyone must answear on your own.
...a way to pass the time until you die.
Userlevel 7
...hard. Because it's hard to make some people you love understund that it's part of you
Userlevel 7
Gamer life is Absolute. Gamer life is like a new reality, one you can feel that you can stay in it forever. It's awesome.
Userlevel 6
Gamer life is work, eat, game, sleep and repeat.
fun but sort of exhausting( especially when you play hours in a row)
improving yourself with each death or defeat💪
Userlevel 6
The couple that games together, stays together.

Considering I met my significant other while play the original Diablo 1 back in January of 1997 -- I think he'd forgive me for whatever gaming time I could get in. (especially now that I don't get nearly as much as I'd like!)
is a lifestyle that can improve your mindset.