Gaming and what to mean. | Razer Insider
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Good morning or good evening gamers where you are. I just want to say that gamers isn't useless or hopeless we are suffering every day and give our concentration in game to be better and to compete for rewards, actually gaming is the only thing that make my day and relief life's burdens. [we don't waste our time]
Word. Gaming is my escape from the harsh reality that is life, and it brings me the kind of happiness that I don't get doing other things like basketball or archery. Plus you get to talk to awesome people from places you've never been and learn a lot of cool stuff. Anyways, welcome to the forums!
Plus you get to talk to awesome people from places you've never been and learn a lot of cool stuff.

I agree, I've learned some curses in Russian while I've been playing Dota. :big_grin_:

Jokes aside, for me gaming means to be somewhere and to do something I can't do in the real life. Playing as Geralt in Witcher 3, being master strategist in Total War series, or something else. Like you said, it's an escape from real world's troubles.
For me live is a game, so I learn also from game how to survive that’s why my favorite game is PUBG:big_grin_: