Razer laptop stand Chroma thoughts? Feedback? | Razer Insider
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First of all, I hope this is the right forum. Can’t find anything for PC peripherals.

So does anyone have the laptop stand? Can it also be used for other laptops like the Predator Helios 300? How useful or useless is it? I’m thinking of getting it, but I’m thinking the more realistic price is $40 to $50 which is still a long shot. Please let me know.
It has also USB ports unlike other laptop stand beside rgb function @Jenjar mentioned above. For learning how to earn zsilver you can check this.
I think it's useful, but at this point in time, it was just another Chroma item to pick up--even more so now using the Core X.

When I was just running off the 1070 max q having the Blade 15 on the stand was great for extra airflow and, seemingly, fan noise. Running on the Core X the Blade only generates heat from the CPU and stays way cooler, lowering the "need" for the stand.

For me, playing off the laptop screen with on the Blade on the stand and a keyboard in front put the screen too far away. You may notice this as well.

Overall, I wouldn't have purchased it if not for the Chroma and extra USB ports. The ports are useful and I love the extra light show. Its utility value for ventilation and ergonomics are low for me now with use of an eGPU.
According to the page for the laptop stand, it may fit other 15 inch laptops but it does not really say any more on that, but it was designed for the blade's, so it may fit that laptop as well. It is a bit expensive, mostly because it has chroma on it as well. If you could save the ZSilver for it I would get it that way over buying it, or at least get some kind of razerstore discount code.
Next thing is how to setup for that zSilver. Can you recommend a link to see what I need to do to drop the price down? I’ve registered

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Thanks a lot
I will tell you if you want to buy it first look at the photo or review video will will give you how it is build then turn your notebook and cheack if the stand dont block the ventilation holes.
Can’t find any review videos on it. Unboxing doesn’t count.
Can’t find any review videos on it. Unboxing doesn’t count.

Will metal stand with 3 usb port and short lightstrip in front 😛 there is nothing to review. Like i say above if you want to use it with difrent notebook just watch how it looks and how it look ventilation holes on your predator you will know then if you can use it or not becose if it cover you will have heat issue. This stand is design to blade so i want to give you know how you can cheack it.
Is it possible to get this for less than $90 from any online sale?
Is it possible to get this for less than $90 from any online sale?

Depends on where you are located. If there is a Razer store in your country they may do some kind of sale or promo with the laptop stand sometime, otherwise for U.S and Canada I can really only find it on Amazon, and Amazon tend to cut down prices every now and then so that may be your best bet, depending on region.
could someone tell me in witch port does it connect.....??? OK it has 3 standard usb 3 ports on the back that we can see in the pictures but what port is used to plug it to the computer?? I am asking since i use the usb-c for an external display and i do not want to lose this port for the stand....
could someone tell me in witch port does it connect.....??? OK it has 3 standard usb 3 ports on the back that we can see in the pictures but what port is used to plug it to the computer?? I am asking since i use the usb-c for an external display and i do not want to lose this port for the stand....

USB 3.0