Wolfenstein: Youngblood RTX Promo | Razer Insider
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Wolfenstein: Youngblood RTX Promo

On May 25th, I ordered a Razer Blade 15 in Mercury White with an RTX 2070 through the Razer online store. It’s expected to be delivered on May 31. Do I qualify to receive a free download of “Wolfenstein: Youngblood” through the new nvidia RTX promotion that began on May 28th?
I think yes, you'll probably get a code for it too. Congratz!
Em 25 de maio, eu comprei um Razer Blade 15 em Mercury White com um RTX 2070 na loja online Razer. Espera-se que seja entregue em 31 de maio. Eu me qualifico para receber um download gratuito de “Wolfenstein: Youngblood” através da nova promoção nvidia RTX que começou em 28 de maio?

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