Dogs or Cats | Razer Insider
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Which one is the best animal for getting? Dog or Cat....Actually I want a suggestion because I want to get a pet for my family...So please suggest me..

Oh yes, dogs.
Dogs. Dogs all day!
I like dogs more. They are loyal.
i have a pet dog so dog lol
Dogs are greater responsibilities.

It's true both need enough care and attention but dogs cannot be held at home or what they say as they aren't apartment friendly. They need to be walked outside and all... If you don't have the time then cats are the best choice and you won't need to spend much time training them where they do their business.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye_:
Dogs anytime ofc
dogs for the win babyyyyyy
either of them! i love all animals!
both are awsome pets
Dogs. Easy
Tbh, both are amazing pets, so I would say this, don't think too much, just close your eyes and pick one.

But do remember this, getting a pet is a huge commitment, even if it's just a cat, which can mostly take care of itself, but still, it's a huge commitment, pls only get a pet when you're ready, n do take care of them well, try to adopt if possible, they'll definitely make your world.

Either way, like I said, both are amazing pet & friend. Have fun mate, and an advance congratulation on your future new family member.
can't stand against cat claws
Which one is the best animal for getting? Dog or Cat....Actually I want a suggestion because I want to get a pet for my family...So please suggest me..

That is a though question because i like them both but they both have their own sides
Damn this is probably too late but dogs and cats are way different, cats are more independent and can do more things without you, while dogs are similar to human children in a lot of ways. Cats are less hyper and less likely to like sprinting around your house at Mach 2.
I have a dog. I always joke that I have at least one family member that is happy when I come back home from work
Which one is the best animal for getting? Dog or Cat....

Your choise is difficult, but I'll help you: "People who want to be loved take dogs, who want to love take cats.." - Deside, please, who are you?)
i have a cat
dogs are more social, but take a lot of work. cats on the other hand are way less social but require less work. (groom themselves, go to the bathroom themselves, and require less attention.
I love Cats (Persian cats)
Cats belong under tyres of cars. So dogs all the way!!
Cats belong under tyres of cars. So dogs all the way!!

a little harsh but yes dogs are MUCH better o_Oo_Oo_O
I really love cats. I would like to have a lot of them. They're really cute and adorable. Dogs are also fine though.
I have three dogs and two cats already and they are really amazing pets 💯. Still wanted to add more or maybe adopt one. 🐶👨🐹
Definitely dogs!!! With dogs you can interact with them whenever you want. You can play with them and teach them to follow commands. The only downside is that sometimes they are loud.
It's definitely a dog for me. I actually have 4 dogs and I treated them as my babies. I treat them as part of my family. With dogs, loyalty is never questioned.