What's your hobby? | Razer Insider
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What are your hobbies/jobs in real world aside from gaming?
Ich würde sagen, das meiste was alle machen. Viel Sex haben, hin und wieder mal ein Bier, am Wochenende auch mal feiern gehen.

Ansonsten bastel ich gerne an Elektronik Geräten rum, Versuche viel Zeit mit der Familie zu verbringen.

<ich bin da eher Standard veranlagt 🙂

I'd say most of what everybody does. Have a lot of sex, a beer now and then, party on the weekends.

Otherwise I like to tinker with electronic devices, try to spend a lot of time with the family.

<I'm more of a standard person 🙂
Is sleeping considered a hobby? I used to play a lot of basketball, but because of injuries, I can no longer play competitively. Now, I spend most of my time reading manga and noodle with a guitar.
Swimming and reading tech articles
Travelling on the weekends :smile_:
Other than gaming, I hit the gym for a bit of lifting. And I'm also into motorcycles, specifically liter sport or road bikes. Also into shred guitar.
I love reading and playing basketball with friends. In my free time from video games, of course.
Reading/collecting manga.

I also enjoy travelling and have been to Japan, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia/Bali. I was supposed to go to Korea this month, then Germany next month, but can't cuz of travel restrictions, so just staying indoors and reading through my library instead.
CrossFit and plants))
I have several, all of which cost a lot depending on how deeply down the rabbit hole one wishes to go: audio/video, firearms, and cars.
Besides Gaming, I enjoy working out and building Gunpla Models
I'm a pretty bland dude, so my hobbies are just video editing and gaming
Cooking and reading
Motorcycle Touring...

like saxohone piano

classical and jazz

soes it count as a hobby if im going to uni for music or science? (not decided yet)
I collect sports cards and work on small electronic projects with Arduino.
Reading self help books and playing with my dogs 🙂
I used to have programming as a hobby. For now, I do circuit design as a hobby. But I don't do my hobbies nearly as often as gaming though.
I wish i have something to do
I collect sports cards and work on small electronic projects with Arduino.

that sounds fun! i wish i knew something about programming and such
I love cars even tho i dont own one lmao
Well, it's kind of obvious isn't it.....Bass fishing! Nothing like an early morning top water bit to get the blood pumping.
I have a hobby of fishing and always looking for a fishing materials.
I like cooking with my wife and chilling at my camping spot with everyone.
Never had any luck with fishing, I almost always lose baits or line snaps. Currently enjoying backyard archery.
I like anything to do with the outdoors, exploring, fishing, etc..