Turn off any and all RGB when PC is locked... | Razer Insider
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Turn off any and all RGB when PC is locked...

  • 2 November 2018
  • 3 replies

Is there a function to do this? Now I just get a shit show of all the colors of the rainbow...
Ya I want that too... Why does Razer ignore user settings???

Same for the logo - let's get a bug fix for disabling the logo permanently. Even with all settings to logo off, every time you close and open the lid the darn logo re-enables itself chewing up precious battery life for no good reason! Besides the battery life, I just don't want the logo light and Razer again ignores user settings - well I assume it's a bug!
There was an option in Synapse 2... Haven't found in Synapse 3. Maybe there is a Chroma App someone can develop?
Guess this won't be added anytime soon then eh?