Need a squad leader that knows how to do things and can order his members to play at reset time to be the first to redeem the rewards. My current squad is not that good bcoz they're playing at 13:00-15:00UTC and that won't get us any rewards. Please i need a reliable leader that can get rewards. Thanks!
I reported Razer as far as the eye can see for gross contest manipulation and rigging. They did to MY team as well. Went from *FIRST* place the first week to where we sit now. Rigged competition, same 5 minutes missing. They got our metric data, so why aren't we allowed a fair competition?!
I was in this team before leaving because of the time reduction on one of our members, this was our time before we maxed it out the same day it got reduced for one of our mates
any idea about voting system?
This time around, I was able to redeem gameplay time...
But for the lowest reward, 200 silver (missed first day, so had to leave my team) :frown_:
will the group hours be lessen if I redeemed it? like if I have 20 hours in my group and spend it on the 200 silvers will the hours reset to 0?
Yes, that's correct.
This time around, I was able to redeem gameplay time...
But for the lowest reward, 200 silver (missed first day, so had to leave my team) :frown_:
There are many of us who are certain that this was intentional on Razer's end, and that they were sure nobody would catch them. Problem is, they've done this time rigging enough in past seasons that (it turns out) SEVERAL teams decided to screen cap their times for posterity this season. No, RAZER is manipulating a contest, and this is exactly why my reports went where they did.
Hello, i am just wondering on day 2 of squad rewards ho one member of team in first place have 6 hours accumulated and it haven´t pass one hour for the day? right now it is just 35 minutes after reset, so no one should have more that 4 hours 35 minutes
Holy cow, they were rigging time this way too?
I have spoken to several agents who have noted that things are not lining up and there "will be an investigation" however the contest is still rolling and the issues are not rectified. I would do all you (those whom Razer robbed time from) can to spread your proof of these shenanigans to any and all gaming media outlets you may reach. They've gone too far with the hot dog on a stick this time.
Imagine having 1 million Silver. You wouldnt bother buying anything when you could redeem everything.
if only 1 million zSilver was even possible ^, isnt the limit capped at like 300k?
Hey Insiders,
Exciting news! Squad Rewards Season 4 is coming for you with bigger and better prizes.
Similar with Season 3, the initial Razer Silver amount in the prize pool will be 1 million Razer Silver. It's time to gather your gaming buddies and team up. We'll be increasing the maximum prize pool to 5 million if we hit 100,000 players.
You know what to do:
- Gather up to 3 friends (or go solo)
- Download Cortex: PC, sign-in with your Razer ID's and set up your squad
- Competition will be starting soon - stay tuned for more info!
We aren't kidding when we say "bigger and better prizes" We'll be dropping Post-Season Prizes along with more Razer Silver. Curious as to what these prizes are? Keep your eyes glued to the Squad Rewards, you won't want to miss it.
Join now rzr.to/squadrewards
Redeem rewards with Razer Silver silver.razer.com
So just to clarify I can play by myself and still get rewards for this? I play a lot and I don't really have a squad. I would like to participate in this event though, so it would be nice to know. Thanks.
So just to clarify I can play by myself and still get rewards for this? I play a lot and I don't really have a squad. I would like to participate in this event though, so it would be nice to know. Thanks.
To be entirely honest, not solo, no. You would need a team to have any chance at earning enough points to cash in for a package. Do your best to get your daily 4 and team up on day 1 next season for the best shot

Good luck!
Hola alguien necesita una squad? tengo discord para dialogar y lograr una mejor comunicación y poder participar en una próxima season si esta no se logra. Gente solo responsable pls, somos 3 activos y nos falta uno...
So just to clarify I can play by myself and still get rewards for this? I play a lot and I don't really have a squad. I would like to participate in this event though, so it would be nice to know. Thanks.
how many hours do you have?
Hello, i am just wondering on day 2 of squad rewards ho one member of team in first place have 6 hours accumulated and it haven´t pass one hour for the day? right now it is just 35 minutes after reset, so no one should have more that 4 hours 35 minutes
It seriously doesn't even matter anymore. A couple of the top teams have individual users who are somehow building 3-4x normal playtime, and that's now the lead bracket as Razer did nothing for the legitimacy of this contest. OH WOW! They gave back the 5 minutes they robbed from the old lead teams! That doesn't stop the 3-4x speed they're granting to certain users. There's photographic evidence of their foul play ALL OVER this season ffs.
we all do the same thing how is this possible??...
we all do the same thing how is this possible??...
Razer's employees have already admitted that their time servers aren't working properly and have been manipulated from both the inside and outside. I have been speaking with them for DAYS now, and although they know the competition is bust, they cannot take it down, only "investigate" and thank me for my time/service.
we all do the same thing how is this possible??...
Razer's servers are bust, manipulated from the inside and this contest is over already.
The *only* people who are going to get anything from the Razer prize pool are the employees and the family members of said people who have access to Razer's competition servers and are botting through it. They've been caught for a week now, and there is *nothing* short of human manipulation that would do this to an automated scoreboard. Machines don't make staggering mistakes on this level, ESPECIALLY only to the leaders of the race. Maybe had they done this all over, it'd have gone unnoticed but you got overly brazen and wagered that you hadn't been caught any other season (the time shaving was first noticed in Season 3) and wagered you'd never be caught. Too many people here took screenshots to lump it as a random act of a glitch. Someone needs to be fired, and all of our good teams deserve recompense.
I want to welcome one person with the maximum play time in our squad
This image is halfway, but of course the leader is also the max
Feel free to join for Vote to Win. Currently one spot left, but I may kick someone else out if anyone else has more hours and wants to join:
The *only* people who are going to get anything from the Razer prize pool are the employees and the family members of said people who have access to Razer's competition servers and are botting through it. They've been caught for a week now, and there is *nothing* short of human manipulation that would do this to an automated scoreboard. Machines don't make staggering mistakes on this level, ESPECIALLY only to the leaders of the race. Maybe had they done this all over, it'd have gone unnoticed but you got overly brazen and wagered that you hadn't been caught any other season (the time shaving was first noticed in Season 3) and wagered you'd never be caught. Too many people here took screenshots to lump it as a random act of a glitch. Someone needs to be fired, and all of our good teams deserve recompense.
I'm going to point you to the
House Rules. I've let you have your oxygen because you bring up some valid concerns, but parading ideas of getting hardworking people fired and that this is some internal conspiracy is borderline.
I've connected with the Cortex team and I understand that at face value things can look as you make it sound, but that doesn't make any of it true. At this point the posts made only incite false information based on your own perceptions. I'm not going to knock you for seeing it the way you do, but going around and propagating your ideas only poisons the spirit of the competition that people have worked hard to put on. The time you put into it is your own time. I fully understand how frustrating it may be when it seems like your efforts are thwarted beyond your control; it doesn't feel fair, but that is not what is happening.
Please stand by as we'll have updated information.
I'm going to point you to the House Rules. I've let you have your oxygen because you bring up some valid concerns, but parading ideas of getting hardworking people fired and that this is some internal conspiracy is borderline.
I've connected with the Cortex team and I understand that at face value things can look as you make it sound, but that doesn't make any of it true. At this point the posts made only incite false information based on your own perceptions. I'm not going to knock you for seeing it the way you do, but going around and propagating your ideas only poisons the spirit of the competition that people have worked hard to put on. The time you put into it is your own time. I fully understand how frustrating it may be when it seems like your efforts are thwarted beyond your control; it doesn't feel fair, but that is not what is happening.
Please stand by as we'll have updated information.
I can understand why your side would feel the need to get so defensive, however I'm not the only person who noted the shenanigans. I might have gone heavy, that's definitely true. The "face value" was the ENTIRETY of my point, sadly. For multiple seasons people have had time shaved.
(Editing to also note I'm not here to be snide or disparaging with you, but you falsely claimed I wanted "hardworking" people on your end fired. That's the farthest from the truth, as the ONLY people I noted I would have desired punished were the ones who'd rigged this contest **had that turned out to be the case**. You, personally, have always done such hard work with this community and I don't want you thinking this was aimed at you, as you're technically in this pool with us. Thank you for "allowing me my oxygen" but you are entirely correct, as at this late juncture these postings serve nobody any good.)
how many hours do you have?
I don't have any hours right now. I was debating on weather or not I would be able to do it. I definitely don't have 4 people. But I average at least 4 hours a day.