I've been waiting for hours for my valorant points | Razer Insider
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hi I brought some valorant points with razer gold more specifically $35 worth and I've been waiting to get the code for hours so I thought I should contact razer support for help but they haven't gotten back to me so now I'm asking here can someone help me please. this is now my second time posting o here and last time I didn't get any replies

Hi @mr_toastey,


I received your PM and already escalated  your concern to the Razer Gold Team.  Hang in there, we’ll update you through email. Thank you!

Just like mr toastey I bought some valorant points $35 worth and 've been waiting to get the code for hours so I thought I should contact razer support for help but they haven't gotten back to me so now I'm asking here can someone help me please. This is my fouth time  reaching out pls help me @Razer.Zionzedd 


Did you got the code?

When does the valorant points restock i’ve been waiting for like 4 days
