No Reward for my Mouse | Razer Insider
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i am new here and i have a Razer Mouse, the Razer Basilisk v2 and make a registration for it in my account but i don't get the Silver Coins for it. For my keyboard it was sucessfull.

Can you help me?

  • 100 You don't have this trophy yet

    Accuracy Up

    You have a Razer mouse

Thank You 🙂
It may take some time. I have received my achievement for my mouse, so it shouldn't be broken. You can contact a Vanguard and they should be able to get it for you.
Ya, it'll definitely take some time for it to work, do contact support to reach for help if u need it. Cheerio!
Send me a PM with proof of ownership (Pic of product in your Synapse program or on the Razer ID site), and I should be able to get it redeemed for you 😉.