Razer Squad Season 2 Invite Links | Razer Insider
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Help me :/

I barely have any friends.
First the idea is super, you play and we give you reward, but the rawards are unreacheble for most of the people. This is the first season and everybody is exited, but soon the will lose motivation. Current rewards can stay, but maybe if you add some new like - there are 15 day x 16 hours = 240 hours , every team manage 90% get 200 silver, 95% - 1000 silver, 100% - 2000 silver. This will be better for every body.

Help me :/

I barely have any friends.

We're friends now!
Yeah, this need some tweaking. Especially because there is many teams and reward pool is very small. Additionally some regions are in disadvantage because reset time is in the middle of the night for them which makes it easier for people for example in Japan where reset happens during the day.
i play about 5 hours per day i will prob get about 30 total hours heres the link: https://deals.razer.com/squad-rewards/invite/11/0be7305d43f9
i got you lets get some silver
Looking for active squad, i´m active player, i have 12H

Anyone need full 28 hours member? Just inbox me with your invite link. I will assign people to it if you're urgently need it.
Hello gamers,

Season 2 is now here, https://deals.razer.com/squad-rewards/invite/11/6e041f301a6f join me in a squad and lets earn some Silvers!

Nice. I'm in
Friendly place where you can post links and find friends,players for you're Razer Cortex Squad Rewards Season 2. :smile_:;)

  • Pre-Season (Players join to increase the prize pool) Oct 9 (2:00 UTC) - Oct 16 (00:00 UTC)

  • Season 2 Oct 16 (00:00 UTC) - Oct 30 (00:00 UTC)

For more details.. https://deals.razer.com/squad-rewards/faq#faq

My squad https://deals.razer.com/squad-rewards/invite/11/5bbcc7342b5b
Hey everyone! Looking for a Squad! 4 hrs a day each otherwise we'll have to replace you :slightly_sad: Join on up! Lets get these rewards!


hi, i joined your squad, i usually play warzone 🙂

Anyone wanna join??
Hey guys ! I most play League of Legends and I already play more than 4 hours a day.

If you play at least 4 hours a day you can join my squad. We'll have fun !

Here's the link https://deals.razer.com/squad-rewards/invite/11/9aac9028eb64

I joined your squad. I usually play every day DOTA2 and sometimes TEKKEN. But for sure I play everyday DOTA2 minimum is 4 hours sometimes much longer if the game is tough and if i have friends to play with 😉

Hey guys ! I most play League of Legends and I already play more than 4 hours a day.

If you play at least 4 hours a day you can join my squad. We'll have fun !

Here's the link https://deals.razer.com/squad-rewards/invite/11/9aac9028eb64

Hey a league player too i probably play 6hrs a day because i want to rank up before the end of the season 10

im looking for a squad, anyone willing?

yh your link if you are willing for us to join


https://deals.razer.com/squad-rewards/invite/11/7a26d38fafc9 my link im german and i play 24/7 :3

joined you just now you got discord or any social app


I play League of Legends for more than 4 hours a day because of the pandemic!

Join my squad now and let's aim for 220 hours!!!

(I hate it that they capped 4 hrs game time per people!!!)


someone add me


Looking for active members to join my squad



join discord ( https://discord.gg/cP9NBa )

We only need 1 member, 2 more players will join later.

( just do do your 4 hours everyday and as soon as you can after the reset )
https://deals.razer.com/squad-rewards/invite/11/840cc7dfd7af join me, 1 slot left!!

would be nice if joined today bc we cant get the 220 hours if u dont join today and play 4 h every day. we all doing our part atm 🙂
Looking for active squad, i´m active player, i have 20H

ok , i need wait 24h to join in another team
Who wants a fourth member only pl send me a link