Top up money thru paynow more than 2 weeks: Transaction still pending | Razer Insider

Top up money thru paynow more than 2 weeks: Transaction still pending

  • 4 October 2022
  • 1 reply

Hi Guy, 2 weeks ago, i top up the razor gold through paynow due to promotion. The paynow transaction went through and money was deducted from my Bank account. After 2 days, i found that the transaction in Razer Gold is still pending. Wrote to Helpdesk, they stated that transaction failed and the money is on hold and assured me that it will return to my account. To cut short, after several checking, answer is always the same. I called to my bank and they confirmed with me that the money have went through to Razer. I attached the letter from my bank to razor helpdesk and they still insist the transaction failed and never received the money. At this very moment, i think i trust my Bank more than razor gold helpdesk. Now i am stuck. Any person have experience this situation ? Can advise.

Special Note: Most pissed off is that helpdesk ask me to top up again every time when they reply my case ticket....

1 Reply

Now the money has been deducted from the Visa and is not in the account. Yo must respond quickly
