Razer Silver is a very popular perk here on Razer Insider. I'm always looking for ways to expand upon the program on Insider itself where and when possible. I'd love to hear what kinds of features or benefits you'd like to see on Insider in regards to earning more Silver. For the sake of constructive conversation please don't ask for support on this thread. If you're having issues, please create a thread in the Support forum to ask for help. Don't take this opportunity to tell me you want more Silver or better rewards. Instead, share how you'd like to earn more rewards or what kinds of rewards you'd like to see. Lastly, be nice! Being a jerk will not help your cause.
This is your Thread of the Week. I'll be choosing three people to earn the weekly "Great" achievement. Good comments that are constructive and well thought out may get you more!
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About Razer Silver:
Razer Silver is the only loyalty rewards credits backed by Razer. Earn Silver when you Pay with Razer or engage in software and services from Razer and our Partners. For more information on Razer Silver visit: https://gold.razer.com/silver/earn
Need to Reload Gold?