Advice about a Razer RMA (Razer Blade 2019) | Razer Insider
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Hey, Razer community!

Sorry, first time poster just wanting some advice.

I have an RMA with Razer for a bulging battery. After looking at the location it would be sent to, the place has only 1-star reviews and all 20-40 recent comments say their razer products have been lost or came back in a worst state than they were sent in.

The way I see it, I have two options.

1) Send it to the RMA place and hope it doesn't go missing (I live in England).

2) Remove the battery and purchase a secondhand or other battery.

I spent about 3k on this laptop and I'm heartbroken it only lasted this long, It was a perfect laptop prior to this.

Does anyone have any advice for what I should do or any other options?

Any help would be massively helpful ❤
