Insufferable beeping noise when headphones are plugged into Wolverine Tournament Edition | Razer Insider
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Insufferable beeping noise when headphones are plugged into Wolverine Tournament Edition

  • 30 March 2019
  • 0 replies

I have had my Wolverine TE controller for about a week. It was great at first, but within the past two days it has begun to make this intolerable, continuous beeping/buzzing noise and/or no sound plays at all whenever I plug a pair of headphones or a headset into it. It is not the headphones, I have tried three different pairs and all of them have the same result although they work fine with my laptop and cell phone. It is not the console; I have used it on two different XBOs and it has the problem on both. Changing the audio settings does absolutely nothing. I do not have this issue with any other controller.

Razer Support was of no help whatsoever and claimed that they "have never heard of this issue before" despite the fact that I have seen multiple people online with the same problem on both the TE and the Ultimate, and predictably, no helpful responses. My university is in the middle of nowhere so I can't even go to a UPS to return it. Frankly, I'm stuck and extremely frustrated that I essentially threw away $120 so any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

If it helps, something I've noticed is that when I plug in the headphones and it starts acting screwy I am unable to set the microphone to "Off" on the audio panel. That is, I'll turn it off, close the audio panel, open it again and it's back in the "On" position. But this could just be a symptom of the main issue.