Razer BlackWidow V4 Pro - Green Switch - US /// double clicking/register issue | Razer Insider
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Hello Support,

I purchased a razer blackwidow v4 pro on 22 Feb 2023 and I seem to be running into issues since I received it, where it double registers keys. This was not so frustrating in the short run, however after playing shooter games, it became more troublesome as it stops me from being able to properly walk. It either stops my movements, stutters or simply turns in an unwanted direction.

I confirmed this is not an issue of the keys being/getting stuck and hardware is updated to most recent. I am happy to try any other solutions, if not I would like to commence the process of a replacement.

Thank you,

I have the same issue. I have gone through 3 so far. Each time the store has them I go exchange mine. If I wasn’t out of the original return period I would have returned it and never looked back. I should have stayed with my trusty K100. This is too expensive to have quality control issues this bad. I have never had a bad Razer experience, this has definitely soured my thoughts on the brand.


Edit! With the keyboard unplugged I got a straw and filled it with about an inch of rubbing alcohol and with the switch pushed down I put the alcohol into the affected switches (the 3 and = keys) and actuated them a hundred times or so to work the alcohol through the switches. I then plugged it back in and it seems to have fixed it. Maybe something got into the switches at the factory. If it messes up again I’ll come and edit the post again. My happy typing =3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=

I also seem to have this issue.

Is there a firmware update?

Have  the  problem again. Also got already one exchange.
